Woman Tried to Evict Husband, Disappeared
Posted: Monday, June 22nd, 2009 at 2:21 pm
NEW YORK—During an argumentative marital separation, Lisa Stebic disappeared, leaving her two children behind. The disappearance took place two years ago this month, but authorities say they are still nowhere near closing the case.
Family, friends, and court documents all confirmed that the couple, who were living under the same roof but were not speaking, had a lot of trouble in their marriage.
On the same day that Lisa Stebic petitioned in court to have her husband evicted from their home in Plainfield, Illinois, she later went missing. According to police reports, she took nothing but her cell phone and her purse.
Police consider her husband a serious suspect, but Craig Stebic swears he is innocent.
Mr. Stebic told police that Lisa left the house at 6pm while he was doing yardwork.
Around that time every evening, Lisa Stebic would run on a nearby track. On that day, however, no one saw her at that location.
“We weren’t able to triangulate her cell phone to locate her when she went missing,” said Chief Donald E. Bennett of the Plainfield Police Department.
“Her husband was very controlling and restrictive. He only allowed her to have a pre-paid cell phone with a small number of minutes per month,” said Bennett.
Police searched for the 37-year-old for weeks, scouring the area around her house. FBI investigators and divers to search the waters near the home were brought in, but found no evidence.
In mid-May, 2007, police issued a search warrant of the Stebics’ home. This also allowed them to search the family’s two automobiles and computer. There is forensic evidence turned up by those searches, but investigators have not yet released this evidence.
Authorities did reveal that Craig Stebic has a number of guns in the home, and not all of them are hunting guns. Craig Stebic refuses to take a polygraph test, and police have characterized Stebic as uncooperative with investigators.
Dion Davi, an attorney for Stebic, said,“I don’t understand why the police have named my client a suspect. He has told police everything he knows about the day his wife disappeared.”
However, Lisa Stebic’s family and friends swear she would have never willingly left without her children.
“Our search up in that area didn’t even begin to scratch the surface,” Chief Bennet said.
Shortly after Lisa Stebic disappeared, Craig Stebic filed for sole custody of the children.
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