Woman Blames Premature Birth On Fall At Wal-Mart
Posted: Thursday, June 5th, 2008 at 1:57 pm
A woman has filed a lawsuit after claiming that her baby was born prematurely after she fell over in a Wal-Mart store. The Hagerstown woman has filed a lawsuit against Wal-Mart following the incident. Radhia Haj-Mabrouk claims that she slipped on some water on the floor of the Wal-Mart on Garden Groh Boulevard in August 2005.
She claims that she hurt herself when she slipped on the water and fell. She was pregnant at the time, and her son had to be delivered by C-section later that same day. She is now seeking one million dollars on her own behalf and a further two million on behalf of her son.
The lawsuit was filed earlier in the week in Washington County circuit court. The plaintiff was shopping by the clearance racks at the store when the incident occurred, and she slipped and injured herself.
According to the plaintiff Wal-Mart breached its duty of care, and this is because it failed to keep the floor at the front of the store dry and failed to warn customers that it may be wet and therefore slippery.
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