Welding Fume Lawsuits Filed
Posted: Wednesday, December 17th, 2008 at 2:13 pm
According to recent reports two lawsuits have been filed in Marshall claiming that fumes from welding resulted in two workers contracting nervous system problems. The lawsuits claim that the workers were exposed to the welding fumes without the necessary ventilation, causing the nervous disorders.
The lawsuits, which were filed earlier this month at the Marshall Division of the Eastern District of Texas, name a number of defendants, and this includes The Lincoln Electric Company, Linde Inc. formerly known as The Boc Group Inc., TDY Industries Inc. and Hobart Brothers Company.
The lawsuit claims that when welding is in progress there are fumes present that contain a toxic substance called manganese, and this is known to pose dangers to the human nervous system. The problems that can results from this exposure, according to the lawsuit, are similar to the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.
The lawsuit goes on to state that the defendants were members of organizations such as the National Electrical Manufacturers Associations and the American Welding Society and therefore should have been aware of the dangers of exposure to welding fumes and taken the necessary action to avoid such exposure.
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