Trampoline Parks Under Scrutiny as Injuries Continue to Rise
Posted: Friday, August 30th, 2013 at 11:57 am
The steadily rising rate of injuries at trampoline parks is beginning to sound some alarm bells to authorities. In 2009 alone, 70 injuries were reported out of every 100,000 children under 4 while using a trampoline. Furthermore, 160 injuries occurred for every 100,000 children between the ages of 5 and 14. In all, that is an alarming 98,000 children injured annually just from jumping on a seemingly innocent trampoline.
For those that are unaware, trampoline parks typically are similar to giant warehouses, filled with a series of trampolines. They allow adults and children alike the opportunity to bounce in any direction desired, dunk some basketballs, or do wild acrobatic moves midair. If it sounds like a breeding ground for accidents, this is a correct assumption. Trauma director of Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, Dr. Craig Cook recently reported that the hospital is noticing a spike in severe, open wounds that have resulted from trampoline use. He states that these types of injuries are critical, and are normally not experienced unless the individual is in a car crash or war zone.
In 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics made no qualms about speaking their opinion of trampolines, which they wholeheartedly discouraged parents to allow their children to use. Medical evidence has shown that major trampoline accidents can be detrimental to the health of these growing youngsters. Children are suffering severe injuries to their shins, chest, ankles, spine, head, and neck. Some of the accidents have caused significant brain damage as well, which will stay with the children for the remainder of their lives.
According to a recent report by the Associated Press, government authorities are starting to take notice and action. Utah and California have both proposed new regulations to tackle these safety risks associated with trampoline parks. Both are considering the requirement of these parks undergoing inspections, similar to other amusement parks. Regulations are also proposed dealing with insurance, injury reporting, and more extensive employee training.
Utah and California are the first attempts in the country to pass legislation on the quickly growing trampoline industry. Medical professionals and advocates are hopeful that other states will follow suit in order to protect children from further harm.
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