Toronto Residents Sue Auto Manufacturers
Posted: Tuesday, December 18th, 2007 at 3:01 pm
Four residents from Toronto have filed a lawsuit against North American auto manufacturers. The two billion dollar lawsuit claims that the price of autos in Canada was inflated by the auto industry, and cross border purchasing using the strong Canadian dollar was prohibited by the auto industry.
The lawsuit was filed earlier this week, and cars covered will be those that were purchased between August 2005 and August 2007. The plaintiffs claim that they had to pay out more to purchase the same or a similar model car in Canada than they would have had to in America.
According to the lawsuit the auto industry in North America was involved in a conspiracy to inflate prices in Canada and ensure that cross border purchasing was prohibited. Officials claim that Canadians are having to pay around twenty four percent more for the same or similar goods than Americans.
A number of defendants have been named in the lawsuit, and this includes Canadian and U.S. divisions of General Motors, Honda, Nissan, Chrysler, the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association and the National Automobile Dealers Association.
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