Thousands Receive Food Credits After Long Standing Lawsuit
Posted: Wednesday, November 19th, 2008 at 1:42 pm
A lawsuit that was started in the 1990s and was not settled until 2006 has finally seen those involved receiving their dues, even though it has taken years for them to do so. Many may have given up on the lawsuit or forgotten about it, until they suddenly received hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of food credits.
The lawsuit had claimed that thousands of people that had moved to claim Social Security Disability welfare instead of welfare benefits were illegally denied food stamps. According to reports the settlement of the suit has now resulted in around twelve million dollars worth of food credits being put onto the electronic benefits cards of around nine and a half thousand people.
Some people will find that their cards have been topped up with hundreds of dollars worth of food credits, and some may even have thousands or dollars worth of credits. One woman who thought she only had five dollars on her card was astounded to find she suddenly had nearly nine hundred dollars on the card.
One of the lead lawyers for the plaintiffs stated: “This lawsuit actually helped maximize federal benefits in a time of economic downturn and prevented disruptions in benefits to those who needed them the most.”
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