Record Company and Yoko Drop Lennon Lawsuit
Posted: Friday, October 10th, 2008 at 2:36 pm
According to a recent report the record company EMI, and John Lennon’s wife, Yoko Ono, have dropped a lawsuit that had been filed in relation to the Lennon hit Imagine. The lawsuit had apparently been filed against the makers of a documentary, who had allegedly used parts of the song without permission.
The documentary in which part of the song were used was called ‘Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed’, and this was made by a company called the Premise Media Corp. The documentary was about scientists being discriminated against for opposing the theory of evolution from Darwin.
According to reports there was a fifteen second excerpt of the Lennon song used in the documentary. EMI and Yoko filed infringement of copyright lawsuits as a result of the documentary, but recent reports have claimed that the lawsuits have now been dropped.
One official working on behalf of the makers of the documentary stated: “We think it was clear from the beginning that our clients had every right to use the ‘Imagine’ clip as they did, and we’re happy we’ve vindicated that right.”
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