Pet Company Could Face Class Action Lawsuit
Posted: Wednesday, October 10th, 2007 at 6:20 pm
A pet food retailer could be facing a class action lawsuit in connection with pet food that was allegedly contaminated and could have resulted in the deaths of dogs and cats in the United Stated. The pet food company is Petvalu Canada Inc, and its US parent company, Petvalu Inc.
It is alleged that there were tainted ingredients in the pet food. The company has been advised that there may be a class action lawsuit in the pipeline. However, at present investigations into the claim are still being carried out.
Executives from two Chinese companies have recently been retained in relation to this case, in connection with the export of contaminated wheat gluten and rice protein included in pet food, which has been blamed for the death of many pets.
Nearly one hundred brands of pet food had to be recalled following complaints about the food. After the Food and Drugs Administration got involved, investigations revealed the presence of melamine, which was traced back to the Chinese companies.
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