Over Twenty Million Awarded To Crash Victim
Posted: Monday, November 12th, 2007 at 12:20 pm
The victim of a car accident that occurred two years ago has been awarded over twenty million dollars after being permanently injured in the accident. The amount won by the Windsor County man is thought to be one of the largest lawsuit awards in the history of the state. In total, twenty one million was awarded to the plaintiff.
Twenty one year old Ralph Currier was travelling in a car as the passenger in 2005. The car was travelling at speeds of one hundred miles per hour and over, and the driver lost control of the vehicle, which then crashed into a house and a veterinary surgery.
Currier suffered severe injuries in the accident, and according to medical reports he may spend the remainder of his life as a quadriplegic. The lawsuit was filed against the mother of the driver of the car for ‘negligent entrustment’ of the vehicle to the driver, who was Taylor Quinn. Quinn spent time behind bars following the incident.
The judge in the case wrote: “The daily physical pain he experiences is regulated by several prescription medications, including Percocet and Oxycontin. The emotional pain cannot be controlled by medication. This previously robust, able-bodied 18-year-old is now confined to a wheelchair.”
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