Man Files Lawsuit Over Ladies’ Night
Posted: Monday, January 21st, 2008 at 2:48 pm
A New York man is going to court over claims that he is being discriminated against by nightclubs in Manhattan that host ladies’ nights. The promotional ladies’ nights allow women to enjoy special deals such as free entry and cheap drinks, and the plaintiff, Roy Den Hollander, is suing various night spots over what he claims is discrimination.
Club officials have branded the lawsuit ‘frivolous’ and one official stated that if these special promotions were classed as being discriminatory then other promotions such as special kids’ meal promotions or early bird offers at restaurants would also be classed as the same.
Hollander is calling for these ladies’ nights to be branded unconstitutional, but club officials state that men can actually benefit from the promotions because they attract women, thus encouraging men to take an interest in them too.
The club official said: “Under this theory, male customers may actually benefit from ladies’ nights in other ways and be encouraged to attend the club on those nights.”
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