Lawsuit May Be Dismissed Due To Lack Of Money
Posted: Friday, July 25th, 2008 at 3:00 pm
According to a recent report a lawsuit that was filed against the city of Lynn may have to be dismissed because the plaintiffs don’t have the money to keep it going. The lawsuit had been filed against the city by local bar owners after there was a roll back in closing hours from two o’clock in the morning to one o’clock in the morning.
As a result of the roll back in opening times many bar owners have lost a lot of money. Some have already had to close their doors for good, and others are on the verge of doing so. A lawyer for the plaintiffs said that they could no longer keep the lawsuit going, stating: “They all spent a lot of money and a lot of time on this, but they just couldn’t afford the fight.”
He also said that Robert Carion’s hotspot, Cache, had been closed due to the rollback and huge losses had been incurred. “Carion had to walk away owing $198,000, and went from having 23 employees to four employees, to two, to closing…all due to the rollback. I’m not trying to sugarcoat this, it’s the truth.”
However, the mayor of the city said: “It’s just common sense. The rollback speaks for itself. It was done for the health, welfare and safety of the 89,000 residents of the city. Lynn had become a Mecca of people rushing to the city for last call to get fueled by alcohol and that’s not a good thing.”
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