Lawsuit Filed over Salmonella Peanut Butter
Posted: Monday, January 26th, 2009 at 1:53 pm
A lawyer that specialises in product in jury litigation has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a Vermont family over an alleged peanut butter salmonella poisoning incident. The lawsuit has been filed against the Peanut Butter Corporation of America, and was filed last week in US District Court in Georgia.
According to the lawsuit filed by the lawyer the seven year old son in the household that he is representing became ill with salmonella after eating Keebler Cheese and Peanut Butter Sandwich crackers. He contracted the disease in November of last year, although he has gone on to make a recovery.
The crackers, along with other food products that were processed by the Peanut Butter Corporation of America in Georgia, are now part of a massive recall process. The report claims that the boy ended up spending six days in hospital with a variety of symptoms, and testing on a stool sample confirmed the presence of salmonella.
The lawsuit was filed on the same day of the inauguration of the new president, Barack Obama, and the lawyer that filed the suit said: “Today is a tremendous day in America. We are inaugurating a President who campaigned on a platform of change, hope, and justice. I sincerely hope that Mr. Obama will be able to effect change in our food safety agencies and policies. In the meantime, hundreds of Americans are ill, and six families are mourning. All of those families have medical bills, some have lost time at work, and we all know what a strain that is. Something has to be done about it.”
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