Lawsuit Filed Over Online Gambling
Posted: Friday, September 26th, 2008 at 2:49 pm
A lawsuit has recently been filed in Franklin Circuit Court, which seeks to make online gambling websites block access to users from Kentucky or to relinquish control of their website names or domains. The lawsuit was filed by Gov. Steve Beshear, who wants to try and crack down on illegal Internet gambling.
Beshear has already taken control of two online casinos, and, which can now no loner be accessed by Kentucky Internet users or user across the rest of the globe. However, Justice Cabinet Secretary J. Michael Brown said that the sites were not shut down by the state, and he said: “At this point in time, I don’t know why they are shut down, but it’s not pursuant to our actions.”
An official from the Poker Players Alliance has stated that the lawsuit is outrageous, adding: “We believe this action not only unduly restricts the freedom of Kentucky residents to play games of skill, such as poker, online, but sets a precedent for censorship of the Internet by force.”
The Internet Commerce Association said the move was a dangerous precedent, stating: “It appears that there may be no statutory basis for this unprecedented action, that Kentucky may lack sufficient jurisdictional grounds and that it also may violate the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution.”
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