Lawsuit Dropped By Press Club Of Dallas
Posted: Friday, January 11th, 2008 at 12:06 pm
A lawsuit that had been filed by the Press Club of Dallas has been dropped according to a recent report. The lawsuit had been filed against the former president of the club by officials that stated that former president owed the club four hundred and twenty thousand dollars in damages.
The former president, Lisa Albanese, stepped down as president of the club in March, but club officials claimed that she owed the club huge sums of money in damages in relation to actions over the coveted Katie Awards. According to court papers the damages were being sought to make amends for damages to the club’s “reputation, good will and ability to continue the Katie Awards as a going concern caused by the actions of Ms. Albanese.”
An official from the Press Club stated: “We just figured every dollar we spent on legal fees … is just a dollar we’re not spending on scholarships for needy kids. The district attorney said he would not charge her criminally. He said he did not think it measured up to criminal charges.”
Among other things the former president is said to have run up ten thousand dollars worth of personal debt on her club card, which she has since repaid according to reports, as well as writing a check for an event that never actually happened, the money for which has not been recovered.
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