Lawsuit Being Filed Over Cleanup of Bay


A lawsuit is being filed by members of a conservation group, who are seeking to make officials to clean up pollution in Chesapeake Bay. The lawsuit is being filed in US District Court in Washington by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
Officials from the foundation claim that anti-pollution measures have not been enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency, stating that this should be a requirement in line with federal law in compliance with the Clean Water Act.

The Foundation wants to highlight the problems at a time when the new President of the United States, Barack Obama, and the new EPA administrator, Lisa P Jackson, are due to come into power and begin their new roles.

The president of the foundation stated: “I think the interesting thing is this lawsuit is going to put the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay directly on the desk of the new EPA administrator, and the decision will be whether she follows business as usual or changes course and puts the bay on the road to recovery.”


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