Lawsuit Against J.Lo Dismissed By Judge
Posted: Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008 at 12:35 pm
A lawsuit that named singing and acting star Jennifer Lopez as one of the defendants has been dismissed by a judge. The judge dismissed the lawsuit against Lopez stating that there was not sufficient evidence for the case to go to trial.
The lawsuit was filed by a writer who claimed that Lopez played a part in ripping off his idea for a television show. The writer, Jack Bunick, claimed that he described an idea for a show he had named South Beach Miami in 1999. He claims that in 2006 a show called South Beach came out, for which Lopez was executive producer.
The writer said that the show had ripped off his idea, and he named a number of defendants on the lawsuit, including Lopez, UPN, CBS Television and others. However, he did admit that many aspects of his idea had been generic, and this is one of the reasons the case had to be dismissed.
A lawyer for Lopez said that she did not have a great deal to do with the creation or development of the show, and was only brought in towards the end of the process to raise the profile of the show.
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