I Was Injured at Work in Alabama. What Are My Legal Options?
Posted: Friday, May 17th, 2019 at 10:34 pm
I Was Injured at Work in Alabama. What Are My Legal Options?
Workers compensation exists to help cover employees who are injured at work. Usually, these cases are handled without incident and without the courts. Sometimes, however, employees walk away from arbitration feeling less than satisfied. It’s important to understand your rights as an employee. Hiring a workers compensation attorney in Alabama isn’t just for when things go wrong in arbitration. You can retain an attorney from the beginning to ensure you’re getting a fair outcome and walking away with all the benefits to which you’re legally entitled.
Right to an Attorney
You’re always allowed to hire an attorney. Nobody can tell you that you’re not allowed to acquire legal advice from a qualified employment attorney in your state. You can take all your contracts, agreements, and paperwork to an attorney to have them look everything over for you. An experienced Alabama workers compensation attorney can help you obtain the best possible results and protect your rights.
File a Workers Compensation Claim
Within five days of the accident, be sure to file a claim. Immediately report the incident to your boss, supervisor, employer, or whoever you’ve been directed to address such reports to. Ask your supervisor which doctor you should see. Be sure to fill out your application for workers compensation benefits and give it to your employer as soon as possible. Accepted cases are usually over quickly. Even if your claim has been accepted, though, you can ask for a court date if you’re suspicious about the fairness of the situation.
Going to Court
If your employer denies your claim or treats you unfairly, you are allowed to go to court. If you do, don’t go it alone. It’s important to have expert legal advice and to retain an experienced Alabama workers compensation attorney to help defend your rights and negotiate the best possible outcome for you. It can be nearly impossible to win these cases without proper legal representation, so don’t risk it.
No Workers Comp Insurance?
Legally, every Alabama business is required to have workers compensation insurance for every employee. You should absolutely go to court if your employer doesn’t have this insurance because they are breaking the law. They are also not allowed to try to persuade you to give up on taking them to court. Threats or pleas to make you feel sorry for the employer so that you don’t sue can be used as evidence against your employer in court.
Negligence Claims
The only issue you might face in court is if your behavior contributed to or caused the accident. If they claim that you were a contributor to the accident or that you caused it, they’re seeking a way out of responsibility in court. This is a dangerous situation that can leave you with nothing. For instance, they might claim that you didn’t follow proper protocol and that’s why you were hurt. If they are successful in claiming that you contributed to or caused the accident, you could be left with a fraction of the benefits you’re entitled to — or with no benefits at all.
It’s critical to hire an experienced Alabama workers compensation attorney before going into court. The legal system is intentionally confusing to the average person; that’s why law school exists. Hire a workers compensation lawyer in Alabama and make sure you’re giving yourself the best shot at defending your rights. Get a consultation today and take the first step down the road of protecting your freedom and your future.
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