Chronic Fatigue Denied by Insurance Company
Posted: Monday, November 18th, 2013 at 12:42 pm
If you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, then you know how debilitating it can be. For many people, it can be so severe that they are no longer able to work. If you are in this position and thinking about making a disability claim with your insurance company, then you should think again. People are routinely denied their claims for chronic fatigue syndrome. Although it is recognized as an illness by the medical community, many insurance companies and their representatives do not.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is seen by many people in the insurance industry as a made-up illness. People who claim to suffer from this condition are simply lazy and do not want to work. Claims filed for disability are routinely denied. It should be noted that this is not true with Social Security. The federal government recognizes this syndrome and will grant disability to a person as long as they are legitimately diagnosed. Private sector insurance is a different matter.
A woman in Detroit, Michigan recently was in the news as having this exact problem. In her middle 50s, she is no longer able to work because her chronic fatigue condition is so severe. She lost a good paying job in the health care industry, and although it took a while, her problem was finally diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome. She filed a claim with Cigna her insurance company, but she was denied benefits. Although she was able to get her Social Security benefits, she had to fight hard to even get the attention of Cigna. It has been seven years since her final appeal to Cigna, but she is hopeful because she now has an attorney.
If you have had a problem with a claim with your private insurance company over disability, it is imperative that you get in touch with a disability insurance attorney. The longer you wait to do this, the more difficult you will make the case for an attorney. Besides giving an attorney a fresh issue to work with, you are simply wasting your time fighting with any insurance company. They have overwhelming resources, both legal and financial, putting you at a disadvantage.
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