Car Dealer Sued By Attorney General
Posted: Tuesday, November 6th, 2007 at 12:14 pm
A car dealership in Pine Bluff is being sued by the attorney general, after it was found that it was accepting trade in vehicles from customers but failing to pay off notes on the vehicles, essentially passing the debt back onto the customer even though the vehicles had been accepted by the dealership as part of the trade in deal.
The lawsuit is being filed against McKay Motors by Dustin McDaniel, the Attorney General. The lawsuit was filed in Pulaski County Circuit Court. McKay Motors also operated McKay Hyundai, and the lawsuit has been filed against the company as well as against the operator of the company, John P McKay.
According to the lawsuit the dealership and operator of the company violated the Arkansas Deceptive Trade Practices Act. Customers were obliged to pay for vehicles that they did not own any longer because they had traded them in at the dealership, but the company had failed to pay off any liens on the vehicles.
In addition, the lawsuit claims that McKay Motors also failed to make sales tax payments on vehicles that had been sold to customers. The telephone number for the dealership was recently found to be disconnected according to reports.
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