Brewery Describes Lawsuit as Silly
Posted: Monday, November 10th, 2008 at 2:03 pm
The president of a Canadian brewery has described a lawsuit that has been filed against the brewer as silly and a waste of time. The lawsuit was filed against the Dead Frog Brewery by a competitor, Sleeman Breweries, which claims ownership of a glass bottle design used by Dead Frog Brewery.
The president of Dead From said that Sleeman was claiming ownership of the glass bottle design, but said that was silly because the bottle was just a generic glass bottle, and personalised with the logo of a frog to indicate that it was a Dead Frog bottle.
He said: “There are many similar clear glass bottles on the market. Aside from our logo on the front it’s a relatively generic, utilitarian bottle design that protects the liquid happiness within.”
A statement of defence has been filed by a lawyer for Dead Frog, which reads: “Dead Frog’s defence asserts that Sleeman does not have a monopoly on clear glass bottles, and that in any event the public is not likely to be confused because of Dead Frog’s prominent, slogans and frog logo.”
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