Brave Women Sacrifice Car in Order to Block DUI Suspect
Posted: Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 at 11:20 pm
In Florida three women took it upon themselves to stop an alleged drunk driver from harming others. They instead put themselves at risk by forcing the DUI driver to crash into their car. The car rear-ended the women’s car but successfully stopped the suspects’ car.
Two of the women whose car stopped the suspects’ car were identified as Suzzette Williams, Angelina Powell, the third woman was not identified.
The driver suspected of driving under the influence was identified as Brittany Sharp, a 25-year-old young woman from Cape Coral. Sharp’s erratic driving was spotted on Sunday near Fort Myers.
While in her Nissan Sentra Williams spotted Sharp allegedly weaving through lanes, hitting curbs, and then going on to Interstate 75, so she decided to follow.
While William’s was focus on driving, one of her passengers was on the phone with the police describing the situation. The other passenger was broadcasting the event on Facebook live.
Williams eventually surpassed Sharp and was able to slam on her brakes in front of the Chevrolet. It ended up making Sharp rear-end Williams, and she was forced to make a complete stop.
Sharp sustained minor injuries as a result of the collision. When Florida highway patrol arrived on the scene they immediately took Sharp to Fort Myers’ Lee Memorial Hospital for treatment.
Sharp was eventually charged with a DUI, among other charges such as careless driving, and driving with a suspended license. Per The News-Press, Sharp remains in custody without bond at the Lee County jail and on September 18th is expected to appear in court.
At this time it is unclear how much damage was sustained by William’s car or if any of William’s passengers were injured.
The women were praised for calling 911 by Florida Highway Patrol Lt. Greg Bueno, however he did not recommend that others follow this example of stopping a driver “like this on their own.”
“If you’re able to call in a description of a car, direction, a tag, all that is beneficial,” stated Bueno. “But what we don’t want is of course for any other secondary collisions or for someone to get hurt.”
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