Animals Rights Activist on FBI’s ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ List
Posted: Friday, June 19th, 2009 at 2:22 pm
WASHINGTON—For the very first time, an animal rights activist has been added to the FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorists” list.
The Federal Bureau Investigation hopes that national recognition will help aid them in the capture of Daniel Andreas San Diego. The 31-year-old animal activist has been on the run for six years.
San Diego, a strict vegan, is charged with the bombing of two corporate offices in California in 2003. There were no deaths involved, but large-scale property damage did occur. San Diego is on the list with al Qaeda’s Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Adam Yahiye Gadahn.
Officials say that San Diego’s motive for the bombings, which took place in Emeryville and Pleasanton, California, was his belief that their corporate tenants had engaged in animal testing. The companies that were housed in the buildings, Chiron and Shaklee Corporation, had in-house labs which used animals in order to test their products before release to the consumer.
The bombs were homemade and contained ammonium nitrate explosives. According to an FBI affidavit, the bombs were sophisticated, but were operated by “kitchen-timer style mechanical timer devices.”
E-mails from “The Revolutionary Cells—Liberation Brigade” claimed the responsibility for both bombings. San Diego, who grew up in San Francisco, has long had ties to this radical group.
According to an artist with ties to San Diego, the suspect also has a lot of tattoos which may suggest his radical and destructive activities. One tattoo, on his chest, portrays a burning hillside with the words “It only takes a spark.” On his abdomen, burning and collapsing buildings are tattooed, and on his back a leafless tree is rising from a road above burning buildings that haven’t collapsed yet.
Agents received reports last year that San Diego was hiding in Costa Rica. Reports also suggest that he may have been seen in rural southern Virginia.
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