16 Arrests Made In Colorado In Connection With Gangs, Drugs
Posted: Friday, July 30th, 2010 at 9:17 am
Sixteen people have been arrested in Greeley, Colorado on various drug and gun charges, after a 30-month investigation by the FBI and a raid conducted jointly by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the FBI, the Greeley Police Department and the Weld County Sheriff’s Department.
Those who were arrested are suspected gang members and associates, and have been arrested and charged with federal indictment for sale and possession of methamphetamines and cocaine, as well as for being felons in possession of weapons.
During the investigation, authorities seized over $500,000 worth of amphetamines, including over 6 pounds of 100 percent pure methamphetamine; crack cocaine, marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms. Also seized were 21 firearms, including three sawed-off shotguns and an SKS assault rifle.
A representative of the FBI, Denver Special Agent-in-Charge James Davis, said that the drugs came from Mexico and may have been bound for other cities. He was uncertain whether any Mexican drug cartels were involved in the operation.
In all, 46 people have been named in over 200 federal indictments in connection with this case. Thirty-eight of those have been arrested, including the 16 recent arrestees. With the exception of the eight fugitives, all of the suspects have either been arrested since April, or were already in custody on unrelated charges.
Four of the suspects have been charged with distribution in a school zone, three have been charged with distribution while a minor was present, and one was charged with dealing drugs from their home. The suspects are being held in a federal jail in Denver.
Authorities also said that the citizenship status of the individuals involved in the indictments would be checked, and that the local Immigration and Customs Enforcement office would be contacted in the event that any illegal immigrants were discovered.
The suspects could face 10 years to life in prison, as well as $4 million in fines, if convicted on the federal drug charges.
The Greeley Regional Anti-Gange Enforcement, or RAGE,Task Force spearheaded both the investigation and the recent raids. Officers with RAGE had contacted federal officials two years ago, after developing drug connections as part of a years-long investigation into the ties between the gang and drug worlds. Authorities declined to comment on what gangs the suspects may have belonged to, but did say that they were among “some of the most dangerous people in northern Colorado,” according to Greeley Police Chief Jerry Garner.
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