Truck Accidents Legal Guide Section Overview
Truck accidents are an ever-present cause for concern on the highways of America. The injuries that are typically sustained in a truck accident, and the damage to property, can be of a very high magnitude. As many as 500,000 truck accidents occur on the roads of the United States every year. These truck accidents leave thousands of people severely injured and many dead, not to mention leaving so many families shattered because of the tragedy of a truck accident.
In order to increase the safety of trucks, to reduce instances of truck accidents, and to protect the interests of people who may be involved in any truck accident, many truck accident laws have been passed. The federal government has laid down many truck accident laws to regulate the entire trucking industry. In addition to federal laws, many states have also enacted laws that apply to truck accidents within their state boundaries.
If you or your loved one has been injured in a truck accident, you can file a legal claim for any injuries that may have resulted from the truck accident. The claim can be filed against any party that was responsible for the accident and therefore for your injuries. Anybody who has been injured in an accident involving a truck should seek legal action as early as possible. In most states there is a statute of limitations, which means that the claimant has a deadline by which his or her claim must be filed. It is important to find out what the statutes of limitation are in your own state, and to take action as early as possible.
This site aims to provide a diverse range of information relating to the legalities of wrongful deaths caused by truck accidents and to the various laws established to deal with such accidents. You can read up on articles such as:
Truck accident lawyer. When you are dealing with a serious issue such as truck accident litigation, you want to ensure that the person dealing with your case has as much experience and skill as possible within that field.
Why you need to contact a truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident with a truck, and have sustained any kind of injuries, then you must contact an experienced and qualified truck accident lawyer immediately.
Truck accident settlements. According to statistics, the majority of truck accident cases are settled out of court, and such cases do not see a jury trial very often.
Truck accidents and the law. There are many federal laws that govern the actions of truckers and trucking companies, in an attempt to increase the safety of trucks on the roads, and to make the highways of America safer to share with big trucks.
Truck accident legal options. Whatever the cause for a truck accident, such accidents usually result in massive property damage and serious injuries to people. If you have been in any truck accident and have sustained any injuries, many legal options are available to you.
Filing a truck accident lawsuit. Those affected by a truck accident through no fault of their own are entitled to file for compensation for injuries and damages sustained or in the case of a fatality, the family of the decedent can file for compensation for wrongful death.
Truck accident laws. In order to increase the safety of trucks, to reduce instances of truck accidents, and to protect the interests of people who may be involved in any truck accident, many truck accident laws have been passed.
Truck accidents and product defects. A truck accident can be caused because there was some defect in the truck, which caused the truck to malfunction, thus resulting in the accident. If the truck accident was a result of any product defect, you may have a valid claim against all the people related to bringing the truck on the road.
Truck accident insurance. Federal regulations require trucking companies or truck owners to have certain types of truck accident insurance policies. Such insurance is meant to protect victims of truck accidents in instances when truckers or trucking companies cannot afford to pay the victims of truck accidents.
What should you do if you are involved in a truck accident? Being involved in any kind of an auto accident, especially a truck accident, can leave you feeling very disturbed and in shock. At such times, you may not be able to think clearly because you may be in shock.
Is an accident involving a truck more likely to cause injury or death than one only involving a car? The answer to this question is yes, and this article looks as why truck accidents pose more of a hazard and danger than cars when it comes to road traffic accidents.
How do I deal with the trucking company or their insurance company after a truck accident? If you have been involved in a truck accident, you will invariably have to deal with the trucking company and their insurance carriers at some point or the other.
Are trucking companies, truck drivers, and/or commercial trucks regulated by the federal government? The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has laid down many rules and regulations, which have to be adhered to by trucking companies, truck drivers, and commercial trucks.
Does federal law limit the hours that a truck can be on the road? The hours of service rule under federal law does limit the number of hours that any truck, driven by a single truck driver, can continuously be on the road.
Are trucks required by federal law to have insurance? This article looks at the various types of insurance that trucks are required to have by federal law to protect others in the case of accidents.
Who can sue in a truck accident case involving injury or death? In a truck accident case that involves bodily injury, any person who has been injured in such an accident has the right to sue for personal injury.
Who can be sued in a truck accident case involving accident or death? Any individual or body, because of whose error, fault, or mistake, the truck accident was caused, can be sued in a truck accident case involving injury or death.
How much is my truck accident case worth? Determining the worth of any truck accident case is a very difficult task, because of the many variables involved in such a case. No two truck accident cases can be the same.
Is my case any different if a family member, myself, or other loved one is injured or killed by a truck as opposed to any other vehicle? Although both truck accidents and other auto accidents can result in injuries and death of the people involved in the accidents, there are many issues and factors that are typical of truck accidents, which do not apply to other auto accidents.
I was injured in a crash where the truck driver was at fault. Can I receive money for my lost time at work, injuries, pain, and suffering? If you have been injured in a truck accident, and the fault of the truck driver has been established, then you are protected by the law, and are entitled to receive damages and compensation for your injuries.
If a truck involved in my accident was transporting hazardous materials can we sue the shipper of the chemicals as well we the truck driver? Under the law, any person who was responsible for the injuries or death of another person in a truck accident can be sued by the innocent party for damages for such injuries or by a family member for wrongful death.
Truck accident investigations. Truck accident investigations are investigations of all aspects related to truck accidents. This article looks at the different types of investigations that may be used.
Truck accident reconstructions. Experts in the field of investigation and accident reconstructions can take data and evidence from the site of the truck accident and virtually reconstruct the entire accident. The entire accident can be recreated and such reconstruction will tell you the true story behind the truck accident.
Wrongful death. Wrongful death is where the death of a person is caused through the fault or negligence of another.
Wrongful death lawyer. Wrongful death can be a complicated matter, and proving it in many cases can be difficult as well as stressful for the family of the decedent. However, going through an experienced wrongful death lawyer can ease the situation and help your case to run more smoothly. This article looks at why you should use an experienced wrongful death lawyer.
Wrongful death lawsuit. When it comes to filing a lawsuit for wrongful death, you need to consider a number of factors.
Truck accident lawsuit FAQs.
Statistics and Quotations.

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