New York Truck Accident Lawyer
New York is a state with many highways and roads, and a high number of trucks pass through the state, making deliveries or transporting cargo. Trucks must traverse a wide variety of terrains, and make their way a vast array of road, traffic and weather conditions. These factors can sometimes make it difficult for truck drivers to maintain their safety, as well as the safety of those around them.
Sadly, disaster strikes all too often on the roads of New York, with many truck-related accidents every year. Some of these result in death, either the death of the truck driver or the driver or passengers of the other car(s) involved in the collision. Many more result in injuries and damage to property.
According to statistics, nearly 800 people died as the result of truck related accidents between 1996 and 2000. Five years later, these accidents are still occurring and all too often. If you have been in a truck-related accident through no fault of your own, you could be eligible to claim compensation for your injuries and damages.
There are various reasons why truck accidents occur, but the most significant cause for truck accidents is truck driver fatigue, which accounts for as many as 35-40% of all truck accidents. This statistic is so large because truck drivers work long hours, face strenuous deadlines, and have to abide by strict, rigorous schedules. Truck driver fatigue can seriously impair the judgment of an individual who is behind the wheel of a commercial vehicle.
Fatigue refers to lack of sleep, extreme tiredness, or exhaustion. Fatigue does not refer to just one thing, but can be a combination of the above. Not getting the required amount of sleep, loading and unloading heavy loads, putting in overtime at work, etc., can all lead to truck driver fatigue. Driver fatigue can also impair an individuals ability to gauge their own level of fatigue.
When a truck driver is fatigued, it is very easy for them to nod off or fall asleep at the wheel of their truck. Trucks are large heavy machines, and when they are going 70 miles an hour without the control of a driver, serious injuries or death can occur.
Many people are killed in truck-related accidents on the roads of New York every year. If you are the family member of someone who suffered fatal injuries as the result of a truck accident, you may be entitled to make a claim for wrongful death.
Whether you are claiming for injury or wrongful death, one thing you should do is seek assistance from an experienced New York truck accident lawyer. Having the professional and expert assistance of a New York truck accident attorney could make a big difference to the outcome of your lawsuit and it could even affect the amount of compensation that you receive.
By using the skill and experience of a New York truck accident attorney, you could increase your chances of getting compensation for injuries, damages, or losses incurred in a New York truck related accident that was not your fault. An experienced lawyer who specializes in this field will know whether or not you have a claim to file in order to receive the compensation you deserve.
Many New York truck accident attorneys offer a free consultation, which means it won't cost you a cent to find out whether you have a viable case and to determine your best course of action with regards to the accident. You should never be afraid to ask the lawyer for details about his or her experience, as a good lawyer will be happy to provide this information.

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