Illinois Truck Accident Lawyer
Call (888) 471-3714 to speak with a car accident attorney.
Anyone who has been involved in or affected by a truck-related accident in Illinois could be eligible to claim compensation, which is why it is important to enlist the services of an Illinois truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. Like other states, Illinois operates within certain statutes of limitations, which means that you must take legal action following a truck related accident within certain time frames. The faster you employ the services of an Illinois truck accident attorney, the better your chances of a favorable outcome.
All aspects of the trucking industry are regulated by law. Laws for obtaining commercial drivers licenses, maintenance and repair of the trucks, safe operation of trucks, inspection of trucks and loads, proper loading, unloading, and securing of heavy loads, rules regarding the transportation of hazardous materials, regulating driver conduct, alcohol and drug testing programs, training and instruction for truckers, and many more laws have been passed by the federal and state government in an attempt to protect the everyday traveler. In fact, all of these laws are designed to make truck traffic safer and reduce the amount of accidents.
In 2008, there were over 135,000 non-fatal crashes involving large trucks and buses in the United States. Over 89,000 accidents involving trucks and buses did result in injury, many of them so serious the vehicles had to be towed away. Two-thousand six-hundred and nine truck crashes resulted in hazardous material spills. When fatal accidents did occur in that same year, they took place in rural areas 68 percent of the time, during the day 66 percent of the time, and during the work week 78 percent of the time. Based on those same statistics, it becomes evident that passenger vehicles are less likely to incur fatal, multi-vehicle collisions than large trucks are.
Injuries and damages are not the only criteria for making a claim for a truck-related collision where another party was at fault; if you were not personally injured, you can still file a claim if a family member sustained fatal injuries. These claims would fall under the category of wrongful death, and an experienced truck accident attorney will be able to file credible wrongful death claims.
In recent Illinois truck accident news, a 67-year-old man was killed because of a semi-trailer driving the wrong way on I-64 and him crashing into it. In the car with him was a 10-year-old girl who had to be brought to the hospital for her injuries.
A qualified Illinois truck accident lawyer will have the know-how and skill essential to putting together a solid lawsuit in order to get you compensation for injuries, damages, or losses incurred as the result of a truck accident in Illinois. He or she can use past experience and expertise to get you as much compensation as is justifiable based on the circumstances of the accident. Types of compensation available are for medical bills, past and future pain that may affect job function, punitive damages, and even emotional distress.
By using an experienced and specialized Illinois truck accident attorney, you can also be confident that he or she will be well-versed with any state-specific regulations and statutes related to truck accidents and litigation. Their knowledge can help your lawsuit to go through more smoothly and quickly, and can ultimately make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful lawsuit.
Whether you are claiming for personal injury or for wrongful death, contacting a qualified and experienced Illinois truck accident lawyer could save you time, stress and money. You will find a number of specialized lawyers in this field operating in the Illinois area.

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