Georgia Truck Accident Lawyer
Between the time period of 1996 and 2000, there were over 1,000 truck accidents resulting in death in the state of Georgia. This number illustrates the seriousness of trucking accidents and how many times these serious implications play out all too often. The massive size and weight of large trucks make every accident potentially dangerous. Luckily, there are laws and regulations in place to protect all Georgians from being involved in a truck accident and not receiving compensation.
In addition to these fatalities, there are numerous other injuries and damages sustained as a result of truck related accidents in Georgia, and this naturally results in many people in the state taking legal action. It's not just those injured or those that have sustained damages that file lawsuits, but also those that have lost a loved one through a fatal injury sustained as the result of a truck-related accident in Georgia.
The severe and sometimes permanent injuries that may arise from collisions with truck, tractor trailers, 18-wheelers, and semi trucks often result in fiscal loss to the individual and their families. However, the law provides these individuals with the opportunity to seek monetary recovery from damages caused by the responsible party.
The truck company and their insurance agency will promptly begin an investigation into the accident. Both companies will try to limit the recovery amount that the injured person will receive. The only way to counteract this is by obtaining the services of a qualified attorney specialized in truck-related accidents.
A thorough investigation of the truck accident must be performed immediately and with the utmost accuracy to establish the fault of another party. An examination of the scene, the vehicles involved and taking statements from witnesses of the accident will be crucial. Nothing from the scene of the accident should be altered. Because trucking companies will send their own investigators to assess the scene, it is vitally important to hire an attorney who will get the ball rolling on the investigation to establish liability and damage.
During the early part of the claim, the insurance company will attempt to record statements from everyone involved in the auto accident. Most insurance companies will seek to settle with the injured party as soon as possible, and this removes any burden of future medical expenses, lost wages and other damages that are likely to develop as the claims process continues. When injured in an auto accident, the damage from the actual event can take several months to asses. It is wise to avoid seeking a settlement with an insurance company right away, receiving an established, firm diagnosis from a doctor should be done first.
If you have been involved in a truck related accident in Georgia that was not your fault, it is important to seek assistance from a Georgia truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. Statutes of limitation imposed in Georgia and in other states mean that you only have a certain amount of time within which to file your claim. The same goes for those filing on behalf of a deceased family member claims must be filed within Georgia's statutes of limitation.
Another thing to bear in mind is that Georgia may also have other state-specific regulations and statutes with regards to trucking accidents and litigation. A Georgia truck accident attorney will already be familiar with these regulations and statute; therefore, they will know the best course of action to take to give you the best chance of receiving your compensation. A Georgia truck accident lawyer will also be able to use his or her skill and knowledge to get you as much compensation as possible.

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