Alaska Personal Injury Lawyer
Call (888) 471-5989 to speak with a personal injury attorney.
The causes of personal injury are nearly limitless in number. Do you have a personal injury that could have been prevented if it hadn't been for the negligent actions of another? Personal injury lawyers in your area in Alaska are ready to accommodate you and provide the right answers to your questions about your personal injury. Your chosen personal injury lawyer will guide you through the legal processes based on the details of your specific personal injury case situation. Personal injury lawyers want to work with you on your case to get you the fair compensation which you are entitled for the injury, illness or accident you have sustained.
Personal injury is a legal term for an injury to the body, mind or emotions, as opposed to an injury to property. Personal injury covers a wide spectrum of cases, including workplace accidents, automotive accidents, boat or aviation accidents, slip-and-fall accidents, medical malpractice, product liability, or any other instance in which you have suffered physical or emotional harm as the result of someone else's negligence. The most common types of personal injury claims are road traffic accidents, accidents at work, tripping accidents, assault claims, accidents in the home, defective product accidents and holiday accidents. A lawyer who specializes in your type of case can provide the most beneficial knowledge to you.
The term personal injury also incorporates medical and dental accidents and conditions that are often classified as industrial disease cases, including asbestosis and mesothelioma, chest diseases, vibration white finger, occupational deafness, occupational stress, contact dermatitis, and repetitive strain injury cases.
The one-year odds of dying ranged from about 1 in 6,000 in a transportation accident to about 1 in 45,000,000 from a spider bite. Lifetime odds of dying from any unintentional cause are about 1 in 36. In terms of death rates by industries, the mining industry topped the death rates in 2001 with 31.8 fatalities per 100,000 workers, beating agricultural with 21.3, construction with 13,3, manufacturing with 3.3, and transportation and public with 11.4. Personal injury lawyers also handle wrongful death cases on behalf of bereaved spouses, parents, partners or children. When an individual has been killed as the result of a workplace accident or some other example of negligence, his or her family or dependents can suffer greatly. An attorney can help those family members recoup loss of income or loss of consortium.
Most personal injury lawyers take cases on contingency, which means that they will not collect any payment or fees from you until after the successful outcome of your case. If your case is lost, you may still be responsible for paying fees or court costs outside of your attorney's fees, so make sure to discuss the financial arrangements of your case with any prospective attorney. You will also want to ensure that your attorney is a member in good standing of the Alaska Bar Association and the American Bar Association, as well as experienced in your particular area of personal injury lawsuit.
Since there is a statute of limitations in Alaska, it's wise to contact an attorney as soon as possible after your accident or injury in order to begin the process of legal recourse. You'll get the compensation to which you are entitled that much sooner, and get the closure on your case that you deserve. If for any reason you suspect an injury has been caused by negligence of another, you do not need to suffer financially and or mentally anymore. Contact an Alaska personal injury lawyer attorney in your area now. Gain the advice for your personal injury case.
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