Washington Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Finding accurate statistics on the state of motorcycle accidents nationwide can be challenging. But in the state of Washington, where helmets are 100 percent mandatory, whether riding on a country road, a city street, or a highway, and traffic laws are strictly enforced, there are still nearly 2,000 reported motorcycle accidents each year in the state, and several dozen fatal motorcycle crashes annually. There are nearly 100,000 registered motorcycle owners in the state of Washington.
While statistics can vary greatly depending on the source, one fact does remain: thousands of motorcyclists die each year in motorcycle collisions around the country. Additionally, thousands more suffer injuries from motorcycle accidents each year. Several studies report that around 2,000 to 3,000 motorcyclists die each year in the US in single-vehicle motorcycle crashes and some 80,000 to 130,000 non-fatal motorcycle accidents occur each year. Recent statistics show that per 100 million vehicle miles traveled, the number of reported motorcycle accidents was 776.57, while the number for passenger cars involved in accidents per 100 million miles traveled was 423.13.
If a cyclist is not wearing a helmet and is involved in an accident due to another driver's negligence, the cyclist can still file a claim against the at-fault driver. And even if the cyclist is partially at fault for the accident, they can still recover a percentage of the damages. An example of this is, if you were 20 percent at fault and the amount of damages for you amounted to $100,000, then you would instead receive $80,000. It's difficult to calculate such fault, making it all the more crucial to retain the services of a Washington lawyer experienced in such cases. They will be able to determine liability and asses situations according to the law.
If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident in Washington, or you are a family member of a loved one who was killed in a motorcycle accident, you need to consider enlisting the services of a qualified Washington motorcycle accident lawyer to help you obtain the compensation you desire. An experienced Washington motorcycle accident lawyer or personal injury attorney will be well-versed in Washington's motorcycle laws at both the state and local levels. They will understand Washington's personal injury and insurance laws, and they can help you recover monetary compensation for injuries, including medical expenses, loss of wages, pain and suffering, damages to the motorcycle, and other accident-related costs.
For motorcyclists, there are a couple different types of coverage. One is uninsured motorist coverage, which is coverage on your policy, and this pays for your injuries when someone who doesn't have any coverage causes the injury to you. Then there is under-insured motorist coverage, which pays you for your injuries when the person who is at fault has insurance coverage, but their liability limit is not high enough to compensate you fully.
In recent Washington motorcycle accident news, a 9-year-old wearing a helmet was killed when the motorcycle she was riding on crashed into another vehicle. The person driving the motorcycle, also wearing a helmet, was cut off by an elderly woman making a left-hand turn, and he didn't have time to stop the motorcycle before he hit it. The elderly woman was cited for second-degree negligent driving, failing to yield to the right of way of the motorcycle.
When searching for motorcycle accident lawyers in Washington, consult attorneys who are also familiar with motorcycles, those who are open-minded about motorcyclists, and those who have an understanding of motorcycle culture. Personal injury attorneys can help you with your case, but be sure to inquire about the number of motorcycle accident cases they have personally handled.
If you're ready to hire a Washington motorcycle accident lawyer, it's in your best interest to seek counsel right away. In Washington, your claim must be filed within two to three years of the motorcycle accident, depending on the type action being filed. This time period is called Statute of Limitations and it varies state-to-state. Simple cases can take several months to resolve, while more complicated cases can take up to a few years.

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