Oregon Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Every year in Oregon there are more than 35,000 roadway accidents involving every kind of vehicle, and motorcycle accidents are a huge contribution to this number. Motorcycle accidents often cause more harm to the rider due to the lack of protection from cars, trucks, and the road. Often, accidents involving motorcycles and motorbikes are not the fault of the biker, but that of another driver. Victims of such accidents have rights to file a personal injury lawsuit against the driver who caused the accident. In order to do so, he or she must contact an Oregon motorcycle accident lawyer/attorney as soon as possible.
Often, the other car violated the motorcyclist's right-of-way. Many drivers do not know the rules of the road for motorcycles and fail to take proper precaution. Motorcycle riders end up as victims because of their bad decisions or neglect. This could be because they failed to see the motorcyclist, did not give them the right of way, were speeding or ran a stop sign. Bikers know the risks they take when they get on the bike, and take extra caution while driving because of this.
Helmets and helmet laws are a sore subject for many riders. Most states have enacted helmet laws for bikers, not only to ensure the safety of riders, but to prevent as many injuries as possible. Some bikers and riders do not want to wear helmets, and end up paying a fine because of it. In Oregon, helmets must have a hard outer shell, protective padding inside, a chin strap to hold it on, and a sticker insuring its safety as mandated by the U.S. Department of Transportation. These laws are not to be taken lightly. If a rider was not wearing a helmet at the time of an accident, he or she cannot sue the other driver for personal injury.
For motorcyclists, there are a few different types of insurance coverage. One is uninsured motorist coverage, which is coverage on your policy, and this pays for your injuries when someone who doesn't have any coverage causes the injury to you. Then there is underinsured motorist coverage, which pays you for your injuries when the person who is at fault has insurance coverage, but their liability limit is not high enough for compensate you fully.
In the process of searching for a lawyer/attorney to represent you, there are a few things you should consider. One is being aware of the person's experience with past cases. If he/she has a spotty history of winning cases, you may need to seek out someone else. Just because they have worked with many people does not mean they have won. Look for someone who becomes involved in every case and will treat you like you are their only client. An experienced Oregon motorcycle accident lawyer or personal injury attorney will have an in-depth knowledge of Oregon's motorcycle laws at both the state and local levels, which is what you'll need for what is sure to be a somewhat difficult case. The compensation you recover for your sustained injuries can be used to cover medical expenses, lost of wages, pain and suffering, damages to the motorcycle, and other accident-related costs.
If you are ready to hire an Oregon motorcycle accident lawyer or attorney, it's in your best interest to seek counsel right away. In the state of Oregon, your claim must be filed within 2 years of the motorcycle accident. Simple accident cases may take several months to resolve, while more complicated cases could take several years, so it is important to get it started right away.

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