Mississippi Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Call (888) 471-3714 to speak with a car accident attorney.
If you're a motorcyclist, the statistics are not on your side. You are 21 times more likely to die in a collision than an automobile driver. In 80% of those accidents, it won't be your fault. And you face the risk of becoming one of the more than 165,000 Americans require hospitalization due to motorcycle accidents every year.
Unlike car accidents, the circumstances revolving around motorcycle accidents lead to many more injuries and fatalities. It is reported that anywhere from 70 to 80 percent of all reported motorcycle accidents results in injury or death, while the injury or fatality rate of passenger vehicles is only 20 percent. There are several reasons for this. To begin, motorcycles offer no protection from the elements and absolutely no protective barrier between the roads and car drivers.
Before you hit the road you will want to make sure you are properly insured. Speak to a qualified agent to ensure you are covered in every situation. For a motorcyclists, you'll want to look at a couple different types of coverage. The first is uninsured motorist coverage, which is coverage on your policy that pays for your injuries when someone who is uninsured causes the accident. Then there is underinsured motorist coverage, which pays you for your injuries when the person who is at fault has insurance coverage, but their liability limit is not high enough for compensate you fully.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, don't speak to anyone until you can find a personal injury attorney to represent you. There are many attorneys in Mississippi that specialize in representing motorcyclists. This expertise can work to your advantage. Motorcyclists tend to sustain more serious injuries requiring longer hospitalization and long term rehabilitation. Personal injury lawyers know doctors who will wait for your case to end before they expect payment and that are adept at testifying in court.
Having an experienced attorney in your corner is a must. If you cannot afford the hourly fee most attorneys charge, however, don't worry. Most personal injury attorneys will take your case on contingency. This means you pay nothing until you win. After you win, your lawyer will take a percentage of your award as payment for services.
There is nothing more important when you are injured than getting the medical services you need and having some time to heal. When you have an attorney you trust, you can try to concentrate on getting better and not on fighting with an insurance company. The laws and process are so complicated you really do need someone fighting for you every step of the way and ensuring your needs are met and your rights are protected.
The most important aspect of hiring an attorney is finding the best attorney for your situation. Contact your local motorcycle associations for suggestions or ask around for advice from other motorcyclists. You can also research attorneys online, but aim for an attorney in your area so they are intimately familiar with the laws of Mississippi . The American Bar Association in your area can also steer you to reputable attorneys in your area.

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