Wisconsin Mesothelioma Lawyer
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Asbestos exposure has been linked to a very aggressive form of cancer known as mesothelioma. The survival rate for certain types of mesothelioma is only around eight percent. Sadly, more than 3,000 new cases of asbestos-related mesothelioma are diagnosed each year. Because asbestos exposure peaked in the mid-twentieth century, and the disease typically takes up to 50 years to become symptomatic, this number is only expected to increase worldwide over the next decade.
Asbestos is still found in over 700,000 buildings nationwide. Prior to the 1970s, asbestos was considered to be the ideal material used for construction because of its low heat conductivity, flexibility, durability, and its resistance to fire. Asbestos was used in shipyards, manufacturing facilities, factories, railroads, railroad facilities, construction sites, and mines. It is also found in many schools and homes across the United States, and continues to be even more widely used even in new construction in developing nations.
It has been proven that asbestos installation workers were put at the highest risk for developing mesothelioma. Over six percent of insulation workers have been known to develop mesothelioma, and are 300 times more likely to die as a result of the deadly cancer. Not only are workers at risk, but their families are also. If family members handled the clothing of workers, which the asbestos fibers can easily adhere to, or were exposed to it long-term as well, they could be at risk for second-hand asbestos exposure, which can be just as deadly as first-hand exposure.
Asbestos related mesothelioma could have been prevented if the manufacturing companies would have paid more attention to safety guidelines early on. Asbestos materials were not safety tested before they were used, and put more than eight million people at risk. There are ways in which to safely handle asbestos-containing materials, and workers who deal with these materials now must comply with strict requirements regarding protective gear and the disposal of the asbestos.
Mesothelioma can develop in the lungs, the heart, and the chest. Once asbestos fibers are inhaled through the nose or mouth, the body cannot break them down. This causes the fibers to become embedded in the cavities and lining of the lungs, filling it with fluid, and scarring sensitive lung tissue. Asbestos fibers that may have been swallowed can also be found in the stomach several decades later. Mesothelioma takes many years, even decades, to make itself known. Too often, people find out they have a severe case of mesothelioma cancer when it's far too late.
Mesothelioma must be diagnosed by a licensed physician. The physician will first ask you questions about your occupational hazards. This is to determine how high your chances were of coming into contact with asbestos. Next, the doctor will look for signs of mesothelioma such as coughing up blood, wheezing, or fluid in the chest area. The doctor will perform a chest x-ray to determine the amount of fluid that has built up and also to look for other signs of mesothelioma such as an unusual thickening in the lungs and mineral deposits. People who develop mesothelioma because of asbestos exposure only have a five-year survival rate. The medical field is trying to improve this rate through the use of better treatments.
If you or a loved one came into contact with asbestos as an occupational hazard and developed mesothelioma as a result, please call an experienced Wisconsin lawyer or attorney to help you begin your fight. A lawyer can discuss your rights with you and tell you if you are owed any monetary compensation for the pain, suffering, and expenses you have endured. Your Wisconsin mesothelioma lawyer/attorney will advise upon the best course of actions.

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