Kentucky Mesothelioma Lawyer
Call (888) 473-4416 to speak with an attorney.
Approximately 2,000-3,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed every year in the United States. Mesothelioma affects the lining called the mesothelium of the lungs, heart, and abdomen, which typically produces a fluid that allows the organs to move, as is the case with the lungs, which move during breathing. The aggressive cancer causes the cells of the lining to divide rapidly, which results in a thickening of the membrane, a fluid buildup, and the formation of tumors. Such actions cause complications like lung failure, heart failure, and strokes, depending on the affected organ. Oftentimes, symptoms are attributed to more common aliments, like the flu, a cold, pneumonia, and bronchitis.
It would be easy for anyone to confuse the warning signs with typical sicknesses, because the symptoms include painful coughing, dry coughs, or coughing up blood. In addition, one might experience difficulty swallowing and breathing, or shortness of breath. Fever, night sweats, a loss of appetite, and weight loss are also signals that be easily confused with less serious illnesses. Since the warning signs are misinterpreted, the majority of patients do not receive accurate diagnoses until the later stages of cancer. Thus, the average survival rate for patients is, on average, one year after the diagnosis. Early detection is always best when treating cancer, and mesothelioma is no different.
While there is no known cure for mesothelioma, treatments and medical advances are providing hope for many patients and their families. Currently, the treatment options attempt to combat further cancer development and to ease the affects of cancer. Some of the common treatments are drug therapy, surgery to remove the tumor, chemotherapy, alternative medicines such as acupuncture and vitamin supplements, and radiation, usually offered individually or in combination with another method. Unfortunately, these treatments would be more effective if the cancer had be detected earlier on.
The latency period of mesothelioma development is partly to blame for overlooking some symptoms. This describes the time period between exposure and when the disease become noticeable. Mesothelioma's latency period can be anywhere from 20-50 years. Therefore, those people exposed to some known causes, such as asbestos, in the 1950s-70s are only now experiencing some warning signals. The average mesothelioma patient is 65 years of age, which proves that people live with the developing cancer for many years before becoming gravely sick.
Asbestos fibers, when inhaled or ingested, can settle into the tissue called the mesothelium that surrounds the organs, and cannot be broken down by the body, or coughed out. The irritation and inflammation of the tissue causes irreversible scarring and cellular damage which eventually results in cancer. Thus the cellular damage leads to uncontrollable cell cycles, and cancerous cellular division. Then the membranes begins to thicken, and fluid starts to build up, causing difficulty breathing. Tumors eventually form from the growing mass. There is an overwhelming amount of scientific and medical evidence that asbestos is the primary cause of malignant mesothelioma.
Sadly, approximately 80 percent of mesothelioma cases can be directly linked to job sites with asbestos exposure. Throughout the twentieth century, asbestos was used in many industries because of its resiliency to heat, fire, and electricity. Not until the mid-1970s did the government decide to regulate the use of asbestos because of it's dangerous risks. Some industries were relied heavily on asbestos containing materials, and many are prevalent in Kentucky. In fact over 700,000 buildings nationwide still contain asbestos today, many of them in Kentucky. It can be scary to think that you or maybe a loved one has been exposed to a deadly mineral like asbestos that could jeopardize your health.
For this reason, you may consider contacting an experienced Kentucky lawyer that determine the validity of your case. If you were exposed to asbestos and are now experiencing mesothelioma-like symptoms you my be a victim of occupational hazards. Everyone has the right to a healthy work environment, or at least the safety equipment necessary to work without risk. You and your family might be entitled to monetary compensation to cover the overwhelming medical bills. There are many experienced and helpful attorneys right here in the state of Kentucky.

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