Georgia Mesothelioma Lawyer
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Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the protective lining and sac (the mesothelium) around organs in the body. It is diagnosed in approximately 2,000 to 3,000 people each year in the United States.
What is the mesothelium?
The mesothelium is comprised of cells that make a special lubricating fluid that surrounds the organs in the body. The cells cover the outer surface of most organs in the body. The special protective layer and lubricating fluid created by the mesothelium allows for organs to slide more easily against one each other when they move, such as when the heart beats or when the lungs expand and contract. The mesothelium that is found in the chest cavity is called the pleura. In the abdominal cavity it is the peritoneum, and around the heart it is called the pericardium.
When mesothelioma occurs in the body, the cells of the mesothelium are damaged, developing abnormally. They may divide and spread rapidly.
What factors may lead to the development of mesothelioma?
The primary risk factor leading to the development of mesothelioma is prolonged or heavy exposure to asbestos.
Is a naturally occurring fiber that has been used in various products, particularly those used for building or construction, the automotive industry, and in items such as boilers or furnaces.
Heat resistant and fire-retardant, meaning that it is very useful in products that are exposed to extremely high temperatures or risk catching fire.
Does not break down easily. It does not evaporate in the air, nor does it dissolve in water, or break down in the soil. Thus, when it is in the air it can be inhaled.
Is estimated to be in 3,000 different types of commercial products.
Found in products like roofing tiles, siding, plaster, plumbing, furnaces, boilers, brake linings, asbestos clothing, roof coatings, and insulation.
When asbestos is inhaled or ingested (such as by eating in an area contaminated by asbestos) the body may try to get rid of it, as with any foreign substance, by causing a person to cough or swallow. While coughing may rid the body of some asbestos fibers, long, thin asbestos fibers called amphiboles may stick to the lungs and in airways. When this occurs, the fibers may penetrate the mesothelium and lead to damage of the organs and the mesothelium, leading to mesothelioma.
Who is at risk for developing mesothelioma?
There are a number of occupations and industries that may have exposed, or still expose, people to asbestos for prolonged periods, or in large amounts. These occupations and industries may include, but are not limited to: construction workers, freight and material haulers, railroad workers, iron workers, hairdressers, teachers, boilermakers, roofers, power plant workers, welders, U.S. Navy veterans, shipyard workers, automobile mechanics, and electricians. People working in these industries or occupations, as well as many others not listed here, may be at risk because they worked with or around materials containing asbestos, or the building that they worked in contained asbestos (such as schools).
Also, people who live with individuals who have been exposed to asbestos may also be at risk of exposure. This exposure can occur when asbestos dust comes into the home on clothes, shoes, or other items, and it is breathed in. In addition, people who smoke and have been exposed to asbestos may also be at an increased risk of developing mesothelioma.
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma:
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation to cover medical expenses, as well as pain and suffering you have endured. Claims may be brought up against the employer for whom you worked if they did not provide you with proper safety options, or against the manufacturer of the products you used that contained asbestos.
Common approaches used when establishing mesothelioma cases are product liability, workers' compensation, premises liability, and economic property loss. These cases may be challenging to put together, which is why it is highly recommended that you speak with a Georgia attorney whose primary focus is mesothelioma.
Establishing a viable mesothelioma case may involve gathering scientific evidence linking your mesothelioma to asbestos exposure, tracing the cause of the asbestos exposure, and determining what kind of claim can be made. In addition, evidence linking mesothelioma can be extremely hard to obtain as many cases of mesothelioma do not occur until many years after the exposure happened. An experienced Georgia mesothelioma attorney will be able to work with you on these processes and establish a case so that you can receive the compensation you deserve.

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