Missouri DWI / DUI Lawyer
In the state of Missouri in 2007, out of the almost 900 fatal motorist crashes, 225 were alcohol related. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI) take the lives of Missouri citizens everyday. Given that, not only are law-abiding people becoming casualties, but also the offenders themselves are losing their everyday freedoms and livelihoods. If you make the unfortunate decision to drive after imbibing, and you get into an accident or are stopped by the authorities, then you may need to contact a DWI/DUI attorney immediately.
The state of Missouri regards the DUI and DWI laws very seriously, and indicates that it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. As with a number of other states, refusing to undergo chemical testing is self-incriminating, and you will automatically lose your license should you refuse a breathalyzer, blood, or urine test. In order to get your license back you will be required to pay a $45 fee and attend a substance abuse traffic offender program. As with most legal offenses, as the repeat crimes increase, so does the penalties.
In the state of Missouri, public safety programs provide for the protection and security of all people, so the DUI and DWI laws here are tough to ensure that everyone can safely drive on the state's roads. With a DUI or a DWI conviction, you can expect a fine of five hundred dollars or more and six months in jail. In Missouri, you get points for every infraction you commit. The point system applies to the suspension or revocation of the driver's license. The more points you get, the higher the penalty is and the higher the fees can be. High points are given to more serious violations like misrepresenting a driver license and/or operating a vehicle while suspended or revoked. DUI first time offenders get as many as right points added to their driving record; remember, it only takes eight points within 18 months to lose your license. Repeat offenders may find themselves in prison for up to five years, in addition to being assessed fines and being required to enter into substance abuse programs.
Law offices around the state have DWI and DUI attorneys on staff who specialize in this field. In some cases, they even provide free consultations. Keep in mind, though, that consultation should be done immediately, because your driving privileges might either be suspended or revoked quickly. You have 15 days to act after being pulled over for DUI or DWI. If you do not waste time, you may avoid getting points, and at the same time you may be able to protect your license. Protect yourself and freedom by acting fast. The wait-and-see approach will not benefit your defense, while contacting a lawyer quickly can only benefit you.
The right Missouri DWI/DUI lawyers will handle your case for you, answer your questions, and help you get back your license. Selection should be based primarily on the extent of services, and the scope of experience the lawyer has, and, of course, the right price. Consider the attorney's experience in DUI/DWI in the state of Missouri, and their willingness to fight for your legal rights. In addition, always select an attorney who encourages communication. It is your life and freedom at stake, therefore trusting the attorney that you choose can make all the difference. Missouri DWI/DUI lawyers are available any time of the day, seven days a week, and they will always meet your specific needs. Call or e-mail one right away.
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