Oxinium Knee Implants
When we are young, we do not typically worry about our joints not working properly or causing us pain unless we have experienced an injury. Some individuals suffer from genetic knee problems, and growing older may cause pain and inflammation in the knee joints. At times, arthritis is at fault, leaving patients immobile and forced to cope with chronic pain. Consequently, knee surgeries are conducted, to lessen this pain and improve mobility by reducing bone friction. Metal, plastic, and other substances serve to resurface the bones, decreasing rubbing. These procedures are fairly common, particularly among older patients. In fact, over 300,000 surgeries are performed annually to replace the knees. One particular company that manufactures knee implants is Oxinium.
The knees serve very important functions to the body and must be able to support the body's weight and range of motion. While unique, they are vulnerable to damages because knee joints are always in constant motion. Those suffering form arthritis are usually the first individuals to suffer from debilitating knees. When pain is severe enough to prevent one from completing normal, everyday tasks, an orthopedic surgeon may suggest knee replacement.
In the past, knee implants have been made of plastics, metals, and acrylic cements to fasten the structures to the bones. The Oxinium knee implants, however, are made from a new material. Historically, manufacturers have experimented with a substance called cobalt chrome, which tended to wear over time. Problems developed because the material is simply not strong enough to withstand strong forces for long periods of time. Many patients also experienced allergic reactions to the material, and their bodies rejected the implants because of its nickel components. Oxinium offered innovative implants made of zirconium metal, which were designed to be stronger, longer lasting, and intended for active patients. Nevertheless, there were flaws with the material and designs used, and patients still suffer from medical ailments as a result of this defective product.
Namely, surgeons find that Oxinium knee implants do not bond properly, forcing patients to return for additional surgeries. Similarly, these knee implants cause higher rates of infection, inflammation, further joint and muscle damage, and swelling. There are over 3,000 cases already reported involving the Oxinium knee implants, and others are still pending. Consequently, defectiveness of the product has forced thousands out of work in order to recover from complications. Many are forced to pay skyrocketing medical bills because of additional surgeries required to cure the ailments. Smith & Nephew, the global medical devices company responsible for this product, was forced to recall the implants in September of 2003. Since then, civil lawsuits are being claimed against the company for product liability. Still, more people are experiencing the negative side effects of these products and are seeking reimbursements for expenses.
If you had knee replacement surgery using this product between February of 2002 and October of 2003, and have experienced health problems as a result, you may be eligible to file a claim. Lawyers will need access to your medical records from the time of the original surgery and all subsequent surgeries needed to repair the damage. A lawyer can determine if your case qualifies for compensation based on the type of implant used during the initial surgery. You must contact a lawyer soon because there are strict deadline to adhere to in order to file product liability claims. According to most statutes of limitations laws, an individual usually has only two to three years to file claims after complications have been discovered. Filing a lawsuit takes time, so you must act quickly in order to reach a settlement.
If you or a loved one has experienced problems with your Oxinium knee implants, do not hesitate to find a lawyer who specializes in knee implant cases. An attorney can help you gain compensation for the damages corrective surgeries have cost you and your family. Oxinium knee implants, because of the material used, can cause serious damage, preventing you from living a normal life. You should not have to deal with the side effects of improper knee implants without some form of recompense. Oxinium knee implant cases are important when they involve your health; make sure to find a lawyer who can help you. Most can provide you with a free consultation, review your case, and determine if your claims are feasible. More importantly, they are available to uphold your rights, giving you your life back.