Drug Coated Stents
A study has found the implantation of drug-coated stents poses a substantial risk when it comes to suffering from blood clots or having heart attacks following the implantation surgery. This is in comparison to using the older version of the coronary devices that are made of bare metal. The conclusion of the study declared that the benefits that could be derived from the drug-coated stents are considerably more than the risks. However, the study pointed out that patients who had implants of the coronary medical device still carry increased risks of having a heart attack and acquiring blood clot between 12 and 15 months after the procedure.
A stent is utilized in opening arteries that were first cleared through an angioplasty procedure. The drug-coated former has gained more popularity, as it is said to be more effective in the prevention of the re-narrowing of the expanded arteries. This collapsing of the arteries was found to have happened among some patients who had an angioplasty procedure without a stent put in. Although the angioplasty seems to work at first, doctors found that the arteries would collapse and narrow soon after the procedure, undoing any good that had been done previously.
Reports from leading cardiologists said that there is an increasing trend of blood clot development among patients with drug-coated stents. It was discovered that stents with the drug coating are not fully covered by the tissues that normally cover stents without the coating. When patients stop taking their prescribed Plavix medication too soon following the implantation, they are at higher risk to develop clots and heart attacks.
Although total mortality rates both for the drug-coated stents and the bare metal stents are the same, it was noted that of patients with drug-coated stents, only 43 percent needed repeat procedures. The drug-coated stent was seen as a medical breakthrough when it was introduced, quickly replacing the bare metal version of the coronary device. However, the recent concern over the risks carried by the device has caused the percentage of the drug-coated version in the stent market to decrease from 95 percent to 70 percent in just over a year.
If you have suffered from a heart attack or from the formation of a blood clot in your arteries as a result of a drug-coated stent implant, it is time to contact a lawyer. A lawyer experienced in handling cases that deal with defective medical device cases will be able to fight for your rights as a patient. You are entitled to get financial compensation for your medical expenses as well as for pain and suffering as a result of the defective stent. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible after your injuries were sustained or when you find out that your stent may be harming you. Most states now adopt a two year statute of limitations for personal injury and wrongful death claims. Not being able to file a claim within the given time period immediately forfeits your right to get any kind of compensation for your suffering.
In choosing a lawyer, make sure that you hire one who is qualified and knowledgeable when it comes to defective medical devices. This way, they will be able to provide you with all the pertinent information that you might ask for in regards to the drug-coated stent. While an out of court settlement might be beneficial when it comes to the time that you and your lawyer have to spend on your case, your lawyer may advise you to go for the more lengthy court trial. Consult with a lawyer today and get the compensation you deserve.