Disetronic H Tron Insulin Pump
When diabetics first find out about their condition, many are unsure of what the future will hold. While the condition can be managed, there are still many things that can hold a person back from living life to the fullest. Diabetes affects a person's physical actions, and limits what he or she can eat at certain times. This all changed with the introduction of the insulin pump, a modern tool that was embraced by those afflicted with diabetes.
Unfortunately, many fell victim to the insulin pump, not because it worked, but because some were defective. One model in particular that failed many patients was the Disetronic H-Tron insulin pump, which was recalled by the FDA in 2003, after it was revealed that the plant at which the devices were made was not up to code, and also that many of the devices failed to function properly. One of the alarms, which normally would signal to the user that they needed to attend to the unit, failed to go off in the defective models. Because of this, many people would go without insulin, or be injected with too much insulin, sending them into shock.
While Disetronic offered customers replacement devices for their H-Tron insulin pumps, many were unsure of whether these too would be defective. The company lost millions of dollars due to this small defect, that could have been easily avoided not only because of a loss of revenue, but also in legal damages.
If you or a loved one has been harmed by the Disetronic H-Tron insulin pump, you have legal rights in your favor, and may be eligible to recover compensation from the Disetronic company for personal injury or wrongful death. In order to recover the maximum amount of damages and make a difference, you'll need the help of a personal injury or defective medical device lawyer.
With a lawyer on your side, you'll have the knowledge and comfort that someone is working for you and fighting for your rights. The company should be held responsible for their poor actions and a lawyer will make sure that it happens. Not only will he/she represent you in the courtroom, but will aid in investigating what went wrong, and use their knowledge of similar cases and their outcomes to fight for a win for your case as well.
When we buy something as critical as an insulin pump where someone's life is constantly at risk we expect the product to be made right and function properly. Replacing the device cannot replace the health of the person, or the loss of a loved one. By hiring a lawyer to litigate and represent your case in court, you are making a smart choice. For a case such as this, you'll also have the comfort of knowing that your lawyer will most likely work on a contingency basis, meaning he/she will only be paid if your case is won, and will receive a portion of the settlement or payout when it is over. Having a knowledge of this can be comforting, and take the stress of added finances off your mind. Do yourself and your family a favor by hiring a lawyer to represent your H-Tron insulin pump personal injury lawsuit.