Cordis Precise RX Stent
Call (888) 351-1904 to speak with a personal injury attorney.
Many people have already been hurt by faulty medical devices. The RX stent, created by Cordis Precise, is yet another medical device that is being recalled because of a defect. This product is a tubular and flexible medical device that serves as a stent for the bile duct. The purpose of a stent is to correct weak arteries damaged because of heart disease or previous surgeries. The biliary tract is drained by this device in order to keep the bile duct open. However, vascular patients are treated with the use of the RX stent by some physicians. This stent, however, is not approved by the FDA because it has lead patients to suffer from strokes, seizures, and comas. Patients have already been known to suffer from air embolism injuries as a result of this device.
The FDA placed a class I recall on the product in 2005. This type of recall indicates that the product is life-threatening or can cause serious injuries. A short time after the recall of the RX stent, Cordis released revised instructions for the use of this medical device. Releasing revised instructions after such a short recall does not show thoroughness of study based on the defects, and it also raises suspicions, leading one to assume that manufacturers were aware of its negative consequences before the product was ever released. Moreover, doctors were warned of the dangerous consequences of using this product in surgery.
If you or a loved one is a victim of injuries from use of the RX stent, you have the right to claim compensation from the negligent party. If it takes legal action to obtain this rightly deserved compensation, then do not hesitate to do so. Lawyers play an important role in defective medical device cases.
Most firms offer free consultations to review your case. If it seems that your claim is feasible, an attorney can work with you to build your case. If you have injuries already, then rest assured that with the help of a defective medical device lawyer, you can obtain justice. Injuries from an RX stent can be deadly, and seeking medical attention time after time is expensive. Contacting a lawyer is the first step to reaching a timely settlement.
There have been specific incidents reported when, despite repeated warnings about the product's limitations, a doctor decided to use the RX stent anyway. Moreover, when using a product that is likely to malfunction, the likelihood of the doctor using the device incorrectly is another concern. However, rather than simply being a product liability case, these patients are now victims of medical malpractice. The FDA sets regulations and imposes recalls for a reason, and only under special circumstances should these products be used with patients. Neglecting to adhere to these guideline is unprofessional and dangerous. In these instances, claims of negligence are completely warranted.
When locating a trusted attorney, be sure to review his or her history of clients. Determine whether or not previous cases were successful, and what types of claims were conducted. Speak with other clients to gain testimonials and other authentic information that can help you find the best attorney for your particular circumstances. There are time constraints to consider in your search, so efficiency is best. Statute of limitations laws prohibit one from making claims against a company for product liability after a given amount of time. For most states, this time frame is between two and three years after the discovery of the injury. For some, deadlines are more strict. Make the rights contacts, gather your evidence, and file your claim before you run out of time. Gain the funds required to pay for your medical expenses, and seek justice for your losses and injuries.