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Ancure is implanted inside of a patient without having to undergo the usual open-heart surgery procedures. This is because the Ancure device, which is part of an endograft system, utilizes a catheter for the insertion of a sheath through the leg's femoral artery. It has been found that much of the injuries sustained by patients were acquired during the implantation of the device. There are other incidents like leaks, ruptures and, aneurysms that develop in these patients. These events forced patients to receive additional surgeries, extended hospitalization, and even caused death in some cases.
The Ancure device is manufactured by Cardiovascular Technologies, which is a subsidiary of Guidance Corporation in Indianapolis. In June 2003, Oxidant's admittance to making false statements to the FDA, and its non-submission of the required injury reports resulted in the company agreeing to pay 92.4 million in civil and criminal penalties. The company admitted that they failed to report thousands of malfunctions that resulted in life-threatening situations, including highly invasive operations that were conducted to alter the damages incurred from failure of the device to function. In the criminal complaint filed against Guidance, it was alleged that only 172 malfunctions were reported by the company since its introduction in 1999, even though they have records of 2,628 incidents, which included reports of 12 fatalities and 45 open heart surgeries.
There are several grounds that could back a personal injury claim, especially among people suffering from serious medical conditions because of a defective medical product. These grounds include negligence, breach of warranty, misrepresentation, and strict liability for a defective product. The same grounds can also be applied to wrongful death claims that could be filed by the surviving family member of someone who died as a result of a complication brought by the defective medical device.
If you or a loved one suffered from any injury caused by the implantation of an Ancure device that malfunctioned or is defective, then you must contact a product liability lawyer now to review and evaluate your case. Once your lawyer has established that it was the Ancure device that caused your injuries, he can guide you in filing a personal injury claim against the responsible party. This claim could mean reimbursement for all of the medical expenses that were incurred as a result of your injuries. The compensation may also cover all other grievances that you endured as a result of the defective device. While you and your lawyer could ask for an out-of-court settlement for your case, your lawyer could also advise you to pursue a court litigation. This way, a judge decides the amount of compensation that you deserve for all your pain and suffering. This also applies to wrongful death claims.
Be aware that there are many compassionate lawyers, all very knowledgeable about such devices as the Ancure. It is best if you pursue these kinds of lawyers, so you can have the representation you need to win your case and gain financial retribution. These lawyers are even known to render their services for free until you win your case. In the event of you not winning the case, they may waive the fees altogether. Asking these questions is a critical part of the consultation processes. It is important to contact a lawyer as soon as possible so that you avoid falling victim to time limitations set in place by state statutes of limitations laws. Many states only allow individuals to make person injury or product liability claims within a two to three year time frame. While there are exceptions to these guidelines, efficiency is best.