Viagra, which contains the drug sildefinal citrate, was the first FDA approved oral pill used to treat impotence, and erectile dysfunction, that is currently affecting millions of men in the United States. Viagra works by inhibiting an enzyme known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5), which causes muscles in the penis to relax and allows the increase of the blood flow, resulting in an erection. Hopefully, you discussed all of your medical histories with your doctor before accepting the prescription, because the dangers are exempt from Viagra.
However, the negative side effects of this drug are serious. Common side effects are dyspepsia, headaches, flushing, nasal congestion, urinary tract infections, abnormal vision, diarrhea, dizziness and rashes, but findings prove that it's more than just these side effects. In addition, the drug sildefinal can cause a drop in blood pressure, which lead to more dangerous reactions. Side effects are a part of every drug, however so is being fully informed and aware of all possibilities.
Serious complications of prolonged use include harmful effects that are known to affect the cardiovascular system (cerebral thrombosis, cardiac arrest, heart failure), digestive system (stomatitis, abnormal liver function, rectal hemorrhages), nervous system (decreased reflexes, depression, hypertonia) and the respiratory system (asthma, dyspnea, bronchitis). In addition, are seizures, and painful and prolonged erections. Sexual activity can also place strain on your heart, especially if you have a heart condition.
Unfortunately, the most common side effect that most users suffer is the blindness. A sudden loss of eyesight in one or both eyes may occur. The Food and Drug Administration has received more than 40 reports of blindness among Viagra users. Recent research suggests that Viagra user's may suffer from temporary or permanent blindness. The basis for many lawsuits are that Pfizer failed to warn users of possible blindness. In addition, some use's have complained about a new found sensitivity to light, and difficulty in perceiving the colors blue and green. Specifically, the Viagra blindness is caused by a condition called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, or NAION. In this case, NAION restricts the flow of blood to the optic nerve, which can therefore lead to vision loss. It should be cited, that Viagra blindness occurs to more likely in patients who also have the risk factors related to NAION alone.
With more testing, the Viagra manufacturer, Pfizer, could have known about these effects. Investigations about Viagra's correlation with these effects will be taken again by the FDA, or the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA, in fact, issued the approval for the release of Viagra in a hasty manner. Further review and extensive evaluation should have been implemented before approval. It has been suggested that Pfizer may have known about possible side affects, and decided to not disclose some concerns.
Companies that put profit above the health of the public must be held responsible for their negligence, carelessness and damages that they cause to the consumers lives. If you or a loved one have experienced serious side effects after using Viagra, make an appointment to see your physician immediately. Then contact a reliable attorney lawyer who can help you fight for your rights in an pursuit of legal claims. You deserve to be well informed before taking any drug, especially one that is intended to bring more happiness to your life. If you feel that you were not totally informed of risks concerning Viagra, then you may be entitled to a settlement that cover continuous medical expenses, or your pain, suffering, and embarrassment. You should not have to exchange your eyesight for pleasure. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible to find out more about your rights.