Crestor, also known as Rosuvastatin and created by Astra-Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for prescription use in August of 2003. The drug is used by patients with considerably high cholesterol levels. Crestor is considered a statin drug, or a class of medications concerned with cholesterol synthesis. It is also commonly used by patients experiencing lipid or metabolic disorders, prohibiting healthy cell reproduction. Individuals suffering from these types of disorders have abnormal amounts of fatty deposits in their cells, producing significantly slow metabolisms, making it difficult to maintain consistent body weight. Crestor was introduced as a breakthrough drug intended to make cholesterol-related illnesses tolerable. However, what many individuals failed to realize was that the release of the drug was halted because the FDA expressed concerns over its safety. Nevertheless, the drug was released for public use, and soon after, many began suffering from its adverse side effects.
Mainly, the drug was most harmful for older individuals, usually ages sixty five or older, and others with specific health conditions other than high cholesterol, including hypothyroidism and renal deficiencies. Nonetheless, the most common side effect experienced by individuals taking the drug was muscle toxicity, or myopathy. Myopathy is a serious condition, which causes a weakening or dysfunction of the muscle fibers. Some people with this disorder experience muscle stiffness, cramps, or spasms. If the condition progresses, symptoms can be characterized by inflammation of the skin and muscles. Overall, the individuals suffering from this disorder are likely to suffer from chronic pain. Studies also suggest that long-term use of the drug is linked to kidney failure. If left untreated, the disorder can also be fatal. Less severe side effects include headaches, muscle aches, abdominal pain, and nausea.
Despite public scrutiny over the potential hazards of the drug, Crestor has not yet been withdrawn from the market. Astra-Zeneca maintains that they are monitoring patients closely, and assures the public that the drug is safe when used for its intended purposes and when blood work has been studied. Moreover, the FDA has not yet moved to recall the drug, despite pressure from consumers. Baycol, for example, which is a statin drug produced by Bayer, reacted to high levels of concern from the public, and the drug was recalled in 2001 due to the risk of rhabdomyolosis, a deadly muscle condition. Consumers have attempted to convince the FDA of the dangers of Crestor by petitioning it to be banned. All petitions, however, have been rejected by the FDA.
Within a year of its release, approximately twenty nine Crestor patients have been diagnosed with rhabdomyolosis. As a result, they have all experienced chronic kidney damage, and many have had to seek treatment for damage to other internal organs. Aside from consumer advocate groups moving to have this drug banned in the United States, individuals faced with these life-threatening ailments are taking legal actions against the pharmaceutical company responsible.
If you or a loved one has experienced negative side effects from this drug, and you wish to gain compensation for your losses, there are attorneys available to handle your case. The most qualified lawyers are those specifically experienced with managing pharmaceutical lawsuits, personal injuries, and defective product cases. There may even be attorneys in your areas that have managed other Crestor claims.
Researching professionals and law firms in your area is a critical component needed to win your case. Most attorneys can offer you a free consultation meeting, at which point, they can review your claim, assess possible evidence, exam medical records, and determine if your case is feasible. It is also important to discuss finances with your attorney, since many, if confident they can win your case, offer flexible payment plans. If you win your case, you are likely to pay lawyer's fees out of compensation gained from the case. Moreover, some law firms even waive lawyer's fees if a case is lost. Overall, there is little risk when filing a liability claim, particularly if your life, or the life of a loved one is at stake. Hospitalization, medications, surgeries, and other medical bills acquired can be financially draining for you and your family. Consider filing a lawsuit against negligent parties to seek reimbursement for these losses.