You have no doubt seen countless advertisements on television for Celebrex, the brand name of a generic drug called celecoxib, which is used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is described as a nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drug, which counteracts the hormones responsible for inflammatory responses of the body. This, in turn, reduces the amount of pain one encounters. It is also prescribed to treat menstrual pain and other types of acute inflictions. Although the commercials, which show people happily exercising and picking up their grandchildren without pain, may have convinced you to request a prescription from your doctor, Celebrex has more harmful side effects than you are probably aware of.
Although sales boomed for Celebrex from the initiation of its extensive marketing campaign, it was not long before reports of problems with the drug began to emerge. Specifically, the drug was blamed for gastrointestinal hemorrhages, kidney damage, liver damages, and even death. What was meant to treat pain, ended up having opposite effects in some patients taking the drug. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) contacted the manufacturer in 2000 because representatives believed that the advertisements did not adequately address the potential hazards that could result from use of Celebrex. In February of 2007, the American Heart Association warned that patients with heart diseases should take Celebrex only as a last resort because of the risks of cardiovascular complications associated with the medication. Thus, people who have pain and heart disease and had been taking Celebrex were at more risk than ever before.
The company that manufactures and distributes Celebrex made over $2 billion in one year alone; but, at what cost? They have made money off the American people, without making adequate attempts to warn them about the risks. You should not stand for this type of treatment and should contact an attorney if you experienced any negative side effects while taking Celebrex.
Only a licensed attorney with experience in the world of personal injury litigation will be able to properly review your case and determine whether or not you have sufficient grounds to warrant a lawsuit against the manufacturer of Celebrex. They handle these types of cases everyday, so they can easily advise you of the likelihood of success with your lawsuit, as well as what type of settlement or trial award you should expect. Certainly, the more severe your injury, the higher your award may be, but other factors are considered as well, such as your previous health issues, your age, your employment history, and your current family situation. If you were the sole provider for your household, and you were unable to work as a result of kidney damage caused by Celebrex, you could likely receive a substantial settlement for your medical bills, as well as lost wages. Your family has been suffering too, so it is important for you to take this crucial step for them, if not for yourself.
You have nothing to lose when calling an attorney to discuss your case. Most attorneys can provide you with free consultation and legal advice. In addition, you most likely will not have to pay any attorney fees up front, but may be able to give your attorney a portion of the settlement or award you receive at the closing of the case. Thus, even if you are experiencing financial difficulties because you are unable to work due to your illness, do not let that prevent you from establishing a lawsuit to get you the money that you deserve. It is time that you get paid back for your pain and illness. Call an attorney to today and discuss your next step. Time is an inevitable factor, as you face limitations law enforced by all states. Sooner is better than later.