Baycol, or cerivastatin sodium, is a statin drug produced by Bayer, and was approved as a cholesterol-lowering medication by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1997. It has been proven to lower cholesterol levels in patients by blocking enzymes in the body that are responsible for cholesterol synthesis. Since heart disease is one of the leading causes of fatalities in the United States, many people have felt pressured to rely on medications, like Baycol, for the prevention of these serious ailments. Over 700,000 people in the United States were soon prescribed this drug. While Baycol was effective for its purpose, many were surprised to learn that the drug presented other adverse health effects.
Rhabdomyolysis is a degenerative disorder in which skeletal muscles eventually begin to break down, causing irreversible damage. Once this occurs, myoglobin, a substance containing broken down muscle fibers, enters the bloodstream of the inflicted individual. Under normal conditions, the substance is simply filtered from the body through the kidneys. However, since there is an abnormal concentration of myoglobin in the bloodstream of a person suffering from this condition, the kidneys are overworked and cannot filter the substance efficiently. As a result, the kidneys shut down, and the individual usually enters a state of shock or dies shortly after. Baycol, and other statin drugs, have been known to directly cause this disorder.
In 2000, 31 people taking Baycol to suppress high cholesterol died from rhabdomyolysis and related symptoms associated with this drug. Of these 31 people, 29 of them suffered from kidney failure. Although the degenerative condition is possible with most statin drugs, is was 10 percent more likely to occur in patients taking Baycol, as opposed to other medications within this class. As a result of its dangerous side effects, Baycol was voluntarily withdrawn from the market by Bayer Pharmaceutical Division in 2001.
The addition of warnings on packaging materials and further prescription notifications to doctors did little to prevent illnesses from occurring. Its withdrawal was inevitable and well received by individuals facing the drug's symptoms. Although Baycol was removed from the market, there are other drugs that are considered alternatives to it and are equally dangerous. Medical professionals encourage diet, exercise, and other therapies for the reduction of high cholesterol before they prescribe these medications. However, you should still be aware of their potentially life-threatening effects.
If you or a member of your family have suffered from debilitating illnesses as a result of this product, there may be compensation available to you. By 2005, Bayer had settled 2,995 lawsuit claims as a result of damages and deaths caused by this product. Victims claimed that Bayer was aware of the adverse effects the drug could present to patients, but neglected to include sufficient warning labels from the beginning. Consequently, there are countless other Bayer lawsuits pending. It is in your best interests to seek representation for your Baycol-related injuries. Statute of limitations laws can restrict you from filing claims and receiving compensation that you likely deserve. Therefore, it is imperative to take steps towards finding a qualified attorney to represent you.
Research the attorneys available in your area who have had prior experience handling personal injury, product liability, or pharmaceutical claims. You may need to review case history, years of experience, and other qualifications that set one attorney apart from another. You must also consider whether or not prospects have solid reputations within the community. Once you locate an attorney, contact the firm, and set up a consultation meeting. This is usually a free service and can provide you with an opportunity to state your case freely. Be sure to gather all relevant documents that may be useful for presenting you case. This paperwork may include medical records, doctor's bills, hospitalization bills, and records of lost wages due to your disability.
Once you meet with an attorney, he or she can determine whether or not your claim is feasible. If it is, you may have the opportunity to gain compensation from all your expenses. Moreover, you can be compensated for the emotional distress you and your family faced. In the event that your doctor incorrectly prescribed you the drugs, neglecting to adhere to safe dosage suggestions, you may be able to make a medical negligence claim. More importantly, your attorney can present you with a list of options available, and he or she can uphold your legal rights in court, looking at every angle of your claim.