Alabama Criminal Lawyer
In Alabama there were 201,880 crimes reported in 2008, which is a 4% increase from the year before.
If you have been accused of a crime in the state of Alabama, whether you are guilty or not, you will need to hire a criminal lawyer or attorney to help you with your case. Alabama criminal lawyers and attorneys represent individuals who have been charged with crimes by arguing their cases in courts of law. An Alabama criminal lawyer or attorney will typically have a private practice concentrating on criminal law.
In Alabama, the process of criminal law can be confusing, so it's important to learn your rights if you are in Alabama or a citizen of Alabama. Criminal law, or penal law, governs crimes that include misdemeanors and felonies, and are usually referred to as an offense against the state itself. There are various bodies of rules that differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction regarding different types of crimes, although most crimes can be categorized as either a misdemeanor or a felony.
Felonies are more serious than misdemeanors, and are generally punishable by more than one year in prison. They can also be punishable by the death penalty. Some examples of felonies include sexual offenses, rape and murder. Misdemeanors, which include such crimes as jaywalking, petty larceny and driving while intoxicated, are punishable by less than one year in jail and/or by fines.
A person can be charged on both criminal and civil counts. If a person is found liable in a civil case, they are usually not eligible for incarceration unless they have also been convicted on the criminal charges, but civil cases do usually require restitution of some variety.
A civil charge is usually brought by the victim of a crime or by their family, and is intended to recover damages as well as to serve justice. Criminal charges are brought by the state by means of a prosecutor, despite the fact that there may have been a victim involved. Even if the victim does not wish to see the perpetrator charged with criminal counts, the prosecutor can still decide to bring a case.
Residents of Alabama have the right to a speedy trial, which is triggered by being issued with an arrest warrant. In Alabama there are four factors to be considered in determining whether you have been denied a speedy trial, including the length of the delay, the reason for the delay, any prejudice that may have incurred towards the accused, as well as the assertion of the right.
If you are suing a convicted criminal for damages resulting from a crime, you will need to hire a civil lawyer or attorney. Even if the person was not convicted and you feel they should have been, and you may want to sue them for damages, you should hire an Alabama civil lawyer or attorney.
If you have been involved in a crime and you have been arrested, you must request an attorney or contact a private criminal lawyer or attorney immediately. A good criminal attorney will be familiar with not only the laws of the state of Alabama, but also any important recent cases or precedents that may impact your case. Your attorney may be able to negotiate a plea deal, so that your charges are reduced, in return for your agreement to plead guilty. Or you may receive a reduced sentence in exchange for attending some sort of counseling. Of course, this will depend on the crimes with which you've been charged, as well as your personal criminal record and your standing in the community.
If your case does go to trial, whether before a judge in a bench trial, or before a jury of your peers, your attorney will prepare thoroughly beforehand. He or she will spend significant amounts of time on your case, collecting evidence and witnesses and making sure that your rights are protected.
If you are ready to contact an Alabama criminal lawyer or attorney, visit the American Bar Association. The ABA offers free access to their lawyer locater, which can help you find a criminal lawyer or attorney in Alabama.

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