Idaho Construction Accident Lawyer

The construction industry is one of the most hazardous work environments in the nation. Construction has approximately 6% of United States workers, but they constitute a whopping 20% of American workplace fatalities the largest number of fatalities reported for any industry sector. One out of 10 construction workers is injured every year.

In the United States, it is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) which sets safety standards for workplace health and safety, and which enforces those standards. Individual construction management agencies also have their own sets of standards for site safety. Nevertheless, not all accidents can be prevented by these precautions. Despite the strict level of safety regulations implemented on all job sites, accidents can and do still occur. Construction workers are also vulnerable to overuse or repetitive-motion injuries, such as back strain.

Some accidents occur because of negligence on the part of another employee, who leaves a tool or machinery part in an inappropriate place, or who fails to follow a safety-related protocol. Some accidents occur because of negligence or inappropriate behavior on the part of a worker who then becomes injured him- or herself. Still others could result from the construction site itself. Defective machinery, scaffolding, forklifts or other vehicles can be very dangerous. Falling loads or falling structures can also be the cause of injury.

In other fields of work, bodily harm may not be as detrimental as it is to construction employees. After all, a construction worker's body is one of their most important tools. A desk worker can still perform his or her duties even with a minor injury. But if a construction worker contracts even something as minor as tendinitis, it may lead to a loss of income and long-term unemployment.

When a job related accident at a construction site does occur, the injured employee must know their rights. The first thing to do is to contact your employer and report all details of the accident. Most employers have specific paperwork that must be filled out following a job site accident. After this is completed, and you have sought medical attention, the next step is to contact a qualified Idaho construction accident lawyer. Sometimes, construction workers are the employees of the responsible party, and in those cases, injuries are handled by workers' compensation laws. In other cases, there may be third parties who are liable for the accident, such as subcontractors, architects or manufacturers of defective products or equipment. Since each case is different, it's best to consult with an Idaho personal injury attorney.

He or she can evaluate the details of your case and determine whether or not you have a workers' compensation or personal injury suit. Your lawyer will be able to determine who should be responsible based upon the facts you provide, witness testimony and the circumstances surrounding the accident. An Idaho construction accident lawyer attorney can answer any of your questions and advise you as to how to proceed with your case. Additionally, the attorney can determine whether a specific person or company is liable for your accident, and how to proceed once that liability is established.

The facts that you provide to a construction accident lawyer attorney are instrumental in deciding who is responsible for your injury as the result of a construction accident. You should be certain to give your attorney as much information as you can, including names of possible witnesses to your accident.

No matter what the cause of your injury, it is wise to consult an Idaho construction accident attorney. Your injury may have left you unemployed, in pain, and with hefty medical expenses. No one should have to go into debt due to someone else's negligence. Hire an Idaho construction accident lawyer attorney, who will strive to obtain the most compensation allowable by law for your suffering.


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