Oklahoma Car Accident Lawyer
Call (888) 471-3714 to speak with a car accident attorney.
In the United States alone, there is one car accident every ten seconds. Of course, they all vary in severity but most of them are caused by human behavior and not mechanical failures. Negligence behind the wheel refers to irresponsible vehicle control and decisions that can lead to dangerous results while on the road. Auto accidents kill more than 40,000 Americans every year.
If the accident was not due to your personal carelessness, then you certainly should not be held responsible for any of the damages. A good car accident lawyer will be able to help you get the money that is owed to you. In order for you to be compensated, though, you have to be able to prove that the other driver was negligent. This can be difficult to do on your own unless you know the law inside out. An Oklahoma car accident lawyer will be able to go over the police reports, witness statements, as well as the laws, and be able to prove that the other driver was negligent.
There are a number of reasons why a driver could be found negligent. Failure to stop at a stop sign or red light, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, driving above the speed limit, or failure to take extra precautions during extreme weather conditions. Reckless driving can also cause the person to be liable for an accident. This typically refers to driving above the speed limit, passing improperly, or excessive lane changing. As technology continues evolve, so do the opportunities for drivers to use mobile devices while driving. Cell phone use and texting have become huge problems for driver safety. Experts say texting can be more dangerous than alcohol for drivers.
If you were hit by a drunk driver, then you are probably due compensation. More and more every year, people are looking down on drunk drivers and judges are coming down especially hard on them. It is believed that one in five people are involved in an alcohol-related car accident some time in their life. With a good Oklahoma car accident lawyer, you will be able to get every single penny that is owed to you from the drunk driver. Drunk driving puts people at extreme risk, so holding them accountable will hopefully save lives in the future. Sadly, every half hour in the United States, there is an accident that is caused by alcohol.
Understandably, you have seen personal injury lawyer advertisements on the television before but never thought that you would have a reason to dial the 1-800 number. You may be unsure if you are a good candidate for a lawsuit to recover the damages from the accident. If so, consider the following questions to determine if a lawyer can help you.
Is the liability clear for the accident, or are you being accused of being liable?
Do you feel confident negotiating your settlement alone?
Are your lost wages challenging to prove based on your profession.
Have you been injured from the accident?
Are your medical bills adding up due to your injuries?
Have your claims been denied by the insurance company, and you believe that they are incorrect?
Has it been more than a year, and you still haven't closed your settlement?
Are the circumstances surrounding the case so complex that you are in need of expert assistance?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you may need the help of a local Oklahoma car accident lawyer. While you straighten out your health, financial, and automobile problems, the attorney can navigate your case through the legal system for you. You do not have to be a victim because other drivers are irresponsible and negligent. All drivers have the right to safely travel on the roads. However some drivers take advantage of these freedoms and endanger others. Hold them accountable, and receive the compensation that you deserve with the help of an Oklahoma lawyer.

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