California Car Accident Lawyer
Call (888) 471-3714 to speak with a car accident attorney.
It's certainly no surprise that California, the most populous state in the Union, has some of the worst traffic in the country. This congestion is also magnified by the fact that three of the major interstates of the United States run through California, making it seem like all roads in the country end or even begin in the state. These long, open roads, strangled with commuters, travelers, and tractor trailers, pose a greater risk for road accidents, as supported by the statistics concerning car accidents in the state.
Most of the accidental deaths in California were a result of car accidents involving other moving vehicles. In the year 2004, there were 1,336 deaths recorded in the state that were caused by car collisions with other vehicles. This made up over a third of the fatal car wrecks in the state for the year. Most of these deaths were results of accidents that the victims were not responsible for.
Being involved in a car accident is never an easy experience. However, law firms that specialize in vehicular law can help you on the road to recovery. Having an attorney with experience litigating these kinds of cases will go a long way in helping you to decide your next move. Your attorney will be the one to help you build up and win the case against the negligent party involved.
If you were afflicted with injuries as a result of the accident and suffered other losses and damages as well, you may have the right to get compensation for all these from the responsible party, especially if you were not at fault. An experienced California auto injury attorney will help you establish fault in front of a jury of your peers, based on the evidence and circumstantial information that available from you and witnesses who were at the scene. If your lawyer is able to fully establish your innocence in the mishap, you will be able to file a personal injury claim against the responsible party. You may also seek punitive damages especially if your injuries resulted in permanent disability that could affect your living condition.
If you lost a loved one as a result of a car accident, you could also get a California auto injury lawyer to help you file a wrongful death claim against the negligent party. Though no amount of money can replace a loved one, you may be entitled to compensation to recoup medical expenses, funeral expenses, lost wages for your family, and other costs incurred in the wake of this tragedy. In these cases, the compensation that a surviving family member of a deceased car accident victim will cover not only the loss of the income that was provided by the victim when they were still alive, but also the mental anguish that was experienced by family members because of this accident.
You have to be sure to contact a California accident attorney as soon as possible after the occurrence of an accident. This is because there are time limitations in every state in the filing of claims for personal injury or wrongful death. In California, the statute of limitations for both claims expires within two years of the injury or after the death of the victim.

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