Kentucky Brain Injury Lawyer

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Across the nation, it is estimated that more than 50,000 people die as a result of traumatic brain injury (TBI) annually, and according to the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA), 5.3 million Americans are forced to live with conditions resulting from TBI. As you can imagine, these conditions can drastically affect a person's entire life sometimes rendering them unable to work, unable to socialize, or even able to live a semblance of a normal life. Brain injuries can result in a vegetative state, a coma or even death.

Motor vehicle accidents account for a great many brain injuries; other causes of brain injury include sports accidents, falls, physical attacks, infection, stroke or heart attack, near drowning or asphyxiation. Acquired brain injuries result when the flow of blood or oxygen to the brain is restricted for a period of time. Traumatic brain injury, on the other hand, happens when the head and brain sustain a blow, jolt or penetration. A closed-head traumatic brain injury may occur as soon as the head hits, or is hit by, a hard surface. Open-head traumatic brain injuries may be caused by anything from a fracture to penetration of the skull by a sharp object or bullet.

In some cases, traumatic brain injury cannot be detected until a period of time after the accident or impact has occurred. In these cases, swelling and bleeding into and around the brain may have already taken place. For this reason, it's important to see your physician as soon as possible after a blow or other injury to the head, and to discuss the details of the accident with an attorney to see if you might be eligible to file suit against a negligent party.

Brain injuries are typically classified as mild, moderate, or severe; their effects can be short-term, lifelong, or fatal. Some of the common symptoms of brain injury include nausea, vision problems, slurred speech, headaches or migraines, balance and coordination problems, communication difficulties, short term memory loss, difficulty concentrating or paying attention, and seizures. Less common, but still possible, symptoms include changes to personality, changes to smell and taste, perseveration, difficulty understanding or reading words, hallucinations, aggression, dizziness and difficulty swallowing.

The financial costs of a traumatic brain injury can be very high, with a lifetime cost for one person surviving from a severe traumatic brain injury reaching $4 million, and the direct and indirect costs of traumatic brain injuries estimated at $48.3 billion annually in the United States. Of course, the personal cost of having experienced a brain injury is incalculable.

If you or someone you love has been involved in an accident that results in brain injury, you should hire a Kentucky brain injury lawyer or attorney to help you recover damages. While no amount of money can reverse the damage done by a traumatic brain injury, it can certainly help cover current and future medical expenses resulting from the accident. In some cases, the victim may even be able to recover damages for pain and suffering.

Representing a brain injury case may be vastly different, and more complex, than representing other types of legal cases, even medical cases. After all, a brain injury directly impacts a person's life, is extremely traumatic for the suffering individual and his or her family, and may have serious long-term consequences. That's why you need an attorney who is not only knowledgeable about personal injury law, but who also has specific experience in litigating cases involving brain injury.

Kentucky has only a one-year statute of limitations, so if you've incurred a brain injury or a blow to the head which may result in a brain injury, be sure to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. Procrastinating could be costly and it could hinder your case in many ways. When searching for a brain injury lawyer or attorney, look for one who has relevant experience and a successful record. To locate an experienced and successful brain injury lawyer or attorney in Kentucky, please visit the American Bar Association website.


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