Facebook Wins Landmark Lawsuit
Posted: Tuesday, November 11th, 2008 at 1:59 pm
The world’s largest social networking site, Facebook, has won a landmark lawsuit against a Canadian-based site, which was apparently using the login details of Facebook customers to send out spam. The owner of the Canadian site has been ordered to pay over eight hundred and seventy three million dollars.
The order has been issued against Adam Guerbuez, of Montreal, the owner of Atlantis Blue Capital and the website Ballervision.com. Facebook was awarded $436.6 million by the judge, but this was then doubled due to what was described as aggravated violations of the CAN SPAM Act 2003.
A spokesman from Facebook stated: “This should be make it clear that we’re going to be aggressive about protecting our users from spam. Certainly the amount is beyond his resources, but we are working through the channels to find and seize what assets he does have.”
Guerbuez has now been banned by the judge from ‘accessing, whether directly or indirectly, Facebook’s data, information, computers’ and ‘users’ accounts, information or profiles for any reason whatsoever’.
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